Chapter Thirty Two: I'm Just So Happy

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(Authors note! First of all thank you guys so much for reading this! It finally happened! They are together! Sorry I dragged it out for so long, but I wanted it to be special. Second of all, I just wanted to say in this I won't be doing any smut, I may in chapter imply that they did have sex, and it may be hinted at as well, but I'm never going into detail because that's defiantly something I'm not comfortable about, and really don't even know how to do it. It may get to a point where they remove their clothes, and kiss and are held close, but I will timeskip! So don't worry! If that's something you would like to imagine more, than go ahead, but it's something I personally would not like to write about. So thank you, and enjoy this chapter! :)

Simon's POV:

I guided Y/N over to the little table I had set up, keeping one hand against her back, and the other one holding her arm. I held out her chair and she smiled, blushing madly, taking her seat. I sat down on the opposite side of the table, but she frowned. "W-What's wrong...?" I said feeling myself quickly become nervous again. She smiles, "Y-You're just, really far away..." I felt myself chuckle, reaching my arm across the table I could hold her hand. I grabbed my chair, scooting it close to hers. She giggled happily. I reached for the bottle of wine, "Fine wine for a fine lady?" I said with a sudden source of confidence, she giggled, "Yes please!" I opened the bottle, pouring the wine into the glasses. It wasn't really a big fan of it, but if this is what she liked, than this is what were having. She takes a slow sip before turning at me, a radiant smile on her face, "I just, don't get what I did to deserve you." I immediately put my glass down, staring deep into her eyes, "W-What are you even talking about?" She mumbles, looking down at the floor, "You're just so perfect at everything, handsome, kind, protective, sweet, but most importantly, my best friend, now my boyfriend." I smiled, rubbing my finger gently on her thumb, "I can be both. Just like you're my best friend and girlfriend." She giggled, looking slightly distant, "I know we literally just starting dating, and you brought this up, but youtube...I like what you said, waiting to make it public..." I nodded, wondering how to work around this strange subject, "It's not that I wouldn't want the world to know you're my girlfriend, I want to shout it from the rooftops!" I said waiving my arms around where I am, "But sadly that just isn't that simple....I want to see what it's like to be yours, and then, when were ready, we'll announce it together, if that is what you want?" She nodded, smiling, "Perfect" She raises her glass, clinking it with me before taking a small sip. She let go of my hand for a moment, looking down at the ring, "Simon this is gorgeous, but you didn't have to. Having you is enough."

We talked for the rest of the night, for hours. Before I knew it, we were leaning on the railing, pointing out stars and seeing the most ridicules things we could out of them, "Hey that one looks like JJ!" She starts drawing a shape, explaining how it looks like a duck, I felt myself laughing throughout the whole night. Once she stops laughing, she starts to draw out another one. She smiles, blushing so hard I could even see it under the dim light, "That one looks like a heart." I grinned at her happily, leaning forward, softly planting a kiss on her forehead, closing my eyes, just for a moment, but I truly wished that moment lasted forever. I slowly pulled away, but suddenly she grabbed my tie, pulling me down and connecting with her lips. Her arms traveled around my neck as we kissed passionately, the most passionate kiss I've ever had. Before I knew what I was doing, I wrapped her in my arms, lifting her up from the ground and holding her in the arm, all the while kissing her. We only split away for seconds, catching out breath before we went back to kissing, making everything else in the world go numb. The only thought on my mind was her, keeping her close, keeping her with me. I've never felt so happy in my life. Finally I pulled away sadly, breathing heavily. I held her there, out of breath as she was to. She rested her head on my forehead, beaming as she did so. Finally I set her on the ground, as I did so she stumbled a little bit on her heels. I casted a confused glance at her, but she recovered quickly. I glanced at the table, she only had two glasses, and they were extremely small. She smiles, quickly realizing what I was staring at, "Simon I'm fine! Just drinks don't hit me well, that's all." She grabs my hand, squeezing it reassuringly. I looked down at my watch, "Y/N it's 1:00!?" Her eyes went wide, "It's been that long!" I laughed, "Apparently so. Ready to head out?" She releases from me silently, walking over to grab her rose. I headed over to our coats, throwing mine over her shoulder and holding hers out for her, she slips in quickly and then I get into mine. She strides into the elevator, hitting the button as we went down. In the elevator, I could finally see her clearly. She looked beautiful before, but with lighting, she was the most beautiful girl in the world, and that was an understatement, she blushed quickly as she realized I was staring. I laughed apologetically, "I'm sorry, you just look so beautiful." She giggles, taking the compliment happily.


I quickly raced into the house, chucking my heels and messily throwing off my jacket as I ran ahead. He quickly taking of his shoes, chasing after me. He ran after me, but I went just out of reach as I slipped into his room, he tackled me to the bed, kissing my lips. I laid flat on the bed as he kissed my lips, as I started tugging at his suit jacket. I helped him slip it off, and throw away his tie. He removed the little bit of my scarf that was still there. I wrapped my fingers around the buttons of his shirt, releasing from the hug, looking into his eyes asking for permission as I breathed healthy. His hands traveled, burying his hands to the back of my dress. He tugged at the unzip as he helped me slip it off, leaving me in just my sports bra and spanks. I caught my breath as I slowly unbuttoned his shirt, his eyes drifted nervously as it left his bare stomach. I've only see him shirtless one other time, and I was to nervous to truly look at him. He was incredibly skinning, below his ribcage his stomach dipped in, then back to being completely flat. He had small abs lining his chest. I traced my fingers over the lines, getting back to my normal breath. My hands moved to his right hip bone, my fingers gently grazed it. It popped out a lot. He was so hand hit his sweatpants, making my heart almost stop. Quickly I traveled back up to his abs, thinking they were the cutest thing in the world. He started at me, slightly wide eyed. Normally I would of felt embarrassed, him staring at my stomach. But I felt so loved and safe with him, free. He leaned in, kissing me passionately and slowly, leaving me wanting more. When he tore away we kept inches apart, making me wonder what he was thinking. What did he want? I knew what I wanted though, to just stay like this. I moved my hands up slowly to the back of his neck. His breath glazed over my face and followed down my neck, giving me goosebumps. I opened my eyes, seeing him looking down at me with big blue eyes, focusing on his breathing. Suddenly he gets a devilish smile, grabbing my waist as he falls to the side, forcing me to turn on mine as well. He kisses me, giving me a warm touch with every second on my back. I ran my hand threw his hair, as he gently bit my lower lip. He planted kisses on my lips, slowly moving downwards to my neck, stopping at the end of it, before lifting his head to look at me. He grabs the blanket, getting under it, causing me to do the same. I turn around and he wraps his arms around me as I cuddle into his chest, taking in his scent. I felt my eyes become extremely heavy. I blinked a couple of times, trying to force them awake. Even with the position I was in, I knew he was staring at me. I tilted my head, looking tiredly up at him, still breathing a little hard. He nodded, bringing me as close as to his body as possible, pressing me there. I felt the cool feeling of his chain hit my head, which I didn't know was there before. I closed my eyes, feeling myself melt away into his arms.

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