Continuation of Breaking Dawn: Class

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Nessie POV

Here I was. Walking into a room full of completely human teenagers. My throat now felt like it was on fire but I had take Jasper's advice. I was very focused.

Alice walked behind me cautiously. Taking especially slow steps to try and remind me that moving at inhuman speed may scare some people...

I concentrated on that. Yes, one of my better ideas. Alice's steps were steady and regular, so long as I didn't focus on the luscious sounds of the beating hearts in the room. Just keep calm I thought, taking as small breaths as I could manage.

"Class, I would like to welcome our new students here" The teacher explained to the students and then he turned to us, "Why don't you both introduce yourselves to...." He trailed off.

My eyes widened and I looked round at Alice in horror. I could barely manage things as they were and if I had to talk I would have to breathe much more than this. If I did that, I had no idea how long my weak self control might last.

Alice practically danced to the front of the class taking my hand and dragging me with her with about as much force to rip someone's arm off. But then again, I was hardly human.

"I'm Alice and this is my sister Nessie. We have just moved up here..." Alice, in her own bubbly way, continued to tell the class about us and our life. I just kept thinking about other things, I knew I could do it. All I had to do was concentrate. Focus Nessie, Focus.

And under Alice's breath - even whilst she was still talking -

"Your doing fine Nessie, don't worry nothing will go wrong."

Eventually the teacher, who I imagined was surprised at Alice's confidence, decided that it was probably about time they started the class.

"Ok that will be enough if you would like to sit down now. There is a seat over there and there is also another free seat over there" The teacher said, pointing to two separate but close seats. I looked at Alice, again for reassurance, and she gave me a definitive nod.

I sat down in one of the free seats, the one in front of Alice so she could watch me without having to turn round, so if I needed restraining...she would know.

I gave a quick glance across at my partner, so quick only Alice would notice. It was a girl. She looked nice. Pretty and tanned with dark brown, almost black hair and brown eyes. There was a faint smile on her face like she was happy that I was sitting next to her.

I had unknowingly left the male for Alice.

I kept very quite during the class. If I was asked a question I would reply in as little words as possible. I thought it was a shame that I couldn't talk to the girl very well, I thought she seemed upset. While it was a shame, it was also necessary if she didn't want to become my dinner.

Time passed so slowly and I wished that Jacob was here. I felt like I needed him. I didn't understand it, it seemed such a primal urge yet he was my best friend. Nothing more, was he?

I mean I knew he had imprinted on me since I was young. It meant that he wanted to look after me, like a big brother. That's what everyone told me. But that wouldn't explain the need I felt for him. I mean it was more than brotherly love was it not?

My uncles, Jasper and Emmett, had been like big brothers too in a similar way. Yet I didn't want to be with them. And have them all to myself. Or kiss them?

What! I don't even know what I am thinking about! Kissing Jacob I didn't want to do that. I was lying and I knew it. I couldn't even lie to myself and believe it.

So I...loved Jacob. I thought about that it would explain a lot of things. I was so infuriated. Why couldn't I fall in love with someone who loved me back? For I knew, that Jacob did not love me in the same desperate way that I wanted him.

I sighed sadly.

Dum dum dum :O Nessie and be continued :L so please comment and vote (if you do I will officially love you!) x-Ellez-x

Continuation Of Breaking DawnWhere stories live. Discover now