Continuation of Breaking Dawn: Vampire

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A/N: Please please vote!

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Okay, so I would have updated earlier but I had a ton of homework and I was seeing friends... anyway, thanks for reading this and I hope you like it

Please vote because it is just so easy for you and makes me want to get back to this computer and start writing like a psycho (jokes ;L) but seriously vote!!!!

Long note again, soz...

Bella POV:

Renee and Alice had gotten on great. Although she was slightly shocked at the ton of gifts that we had bought for her, she was excited as a small child on Christmas day.

My mum, like Alice, had always loved clothes, yet she had never really had enough money to buy them. But today was a different story and obviously with Alice choosing her gifts (claiming 'she and no one else knew best'), a great proportion of the present were, of course, clothes, shoes and more clothes.

Renee was embarrassed, I could tell when we saw the blood flushing into her cheeks and I winced ever so slightly (although my throat barely burned) as did Jasper and Nessie, but at the same time she was completely thrilled.

As excited as Alice, she literally jumped up and down in excitement - apparently not realising she was doing it - whilst she scolded Alice, even managing to make her look sheepish, for buying too much when they had never even met.

The whole situation was quite funny; my mom, telling off a vampire who was old enough to be her great grandma. But she didn't need to know that.

The rest of the afternoon went incredibly smoothly.

It was so strange to see my surprisingly fragile and human mum surrounded by vampires and completely at home with it.

Even Charlie, with all the years he'd had to deal with it, was never this comfortable. But he did look more relaxed...

Nessie and Renee did get on very well and despite everything, all the barriers and facades, seemed to understand each other like mother and daughter.

I let out a very quite giggle. It was exactly like it had been with us. It seemed like a lifetime ago - no pun intended - but Nessie was more like the mum to Renee.

So, all very smoothly, like I had said, we sat in the lounge chatting like we never had before. We would have to have Renee over more often especially if she calmed down Charlie.

'Hmmm, maybe just maybe,' I thought, but I knew it would never happen.

Amongst the simultaneous chatter and some form of football match on the TV, the sun began to set and the light began to dim. It was getting dark.

"Are you staying over Renee?" Esme said as she fluttered, very gracefully, back into the room. She had been feigning a toilet break, even going to the effort of flushing the loo and washing her hands. Esme glanced over at Charlie, "And you are welcome to stay as well if you would like" she offered.

"I can't imagine that you possibly have enough beds!" Renee joked, but more seriously, "Although I wouldn't possibly want to impose, besides I'm all set on the sofa at Charlie's..." she trailed off.

"Just stay here mum," I insisted.

"Yes, we have plenty of beds and it's no trouble," begged Esme, with pleading eyes.

They got on so well. Under different circumstance maybe we could have seen her more but I was worried for her safety - partially from us but mainly from the Volturi.

Continuation Of Breaking DawnWhere stories live. Discover now