Continuation of Breaking Dawn: Bella

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Carlisle POV:

I heard my name shrieked. It came from the kitchen. It was Esme.

If it could have, my blood would have run cold and my heart would stop beating. For Esme's scream was a desperate plea for help.

My help.

I grabbed my bag, whirling into action - with humans here there would no doubt be some casualties. I hoped not too serious though.

The scene that met my eyes was utter chaos.

Edward and Emmett were wrestling with Jasper, who was beyond reason and snapping and snarling. I felt sorry for him, I wondered if it was worth it sometimes - with all the effort and strain he put in. Emmett, of course Emmett, was enjoying himself although trying to keep focused. He could smell the blood too.

It wasn't only Jasper it affected.

Besides Jasper, there was Nessie also struggling, very almost successfully but she relented a little. Obviously, not out of it enough to not care but too much to change a thing.

My gaze drifted over to Jacob or a huge russet wolf anyway, and just behind him where a shocked Renee was standing dazed. Oh, I hope she didn't go into shock.

Reflected in her eyes, I saw Renee's panicked glance as she mouthed 'Charlie' at me.

Charlie was standing there, mouth agape. What had he just seen? Oh crap - he would have seen the snarling and everything. If there had ever been a doubt as to what we were, it was gone.

Oh crap, crap, crap.

"Bella", I yelled. She would be struggling with this more than she let on. Edward gave a small acknowledging nod.

"Get Charlie out, we don't need him involved in this! And get Jasper and Nessie out now, I need to deal with this without them."

With that hopefully under control, I turned to Renee and began to examine her physically.

Once the room was cleared, Jake phased back to a human, to help me and freak out Renee a little less I suppose. Not that it would make much difference.

I came across a cut on Renee and my eyes found the knife that had made it lying on the table. Ahah, the classic chopping vegetables - I knew from the smell - accident. It seemed trivial but I saw a lot of them.

As I glanced back, my eyes fell around Renee's cut arm. Around it was a small crescent mark. No, it couldn't be...

I gave a sniff, abrupt and noticeable to Jacob but something Renee would even catch.

It had been Nessie then, if it was Jasper - I shuddered at the thought. She had been lucky, a fraction of a second later...

"Carlisle?" Renee questioned, her voice was quiet and confused but not shaky in the slightest.

She surprised me so much! She was so much like Bella, I mused, yet so different at the same time. I looked toward her, my look self explanatory, waiting for her question.

"What just happened? I don't want the lies. I...I know something is going on," she stammered slightly now as the ideas aligned in her head (I should know, I had taken several psychology degrees), "With Bella and Renesmee -" breaking off suddenly and looking straight into my eyes.

"Renee, I promise to you that I-" I stopped myself, "we will explain to you and Charlie later. Just now though, tell me how you are? Does anywhere hurt at all?" I pressed.

She needed to know and so did Charlie. I knew there was a risk, but surely it was important.

Renee didn't answer, her lips mashed into a tight line. I continued with my analysis, she didn't seem hurt at all but as I brought my finger to examine her, or perhaps Nessie's depending on your perspective, bite. She flinched away from my touch and rubbed her hand to her arm.

"Renee I won't hurt you I promise. Please tell me is your arm burning?" I rushed frantically, trying to keep my voice slow enough that she would understand.

The confusion in her eyes explained a lot as she absent mindedly rubbed her arm. Thank goodness.

See if she had been in pain, that much pain she would have understood. But she'd been confused, good in a way - compared to the alternative - but also bad.

She must think I was dangerous then, understandable and maybe, I guessed, from the way she was rubbing her arm it stung a little and now she wondered how I knew.

I visibly relaxed. I gestured for her to follow me into the other room. Jacob followed tapping Renee ever so slightly gingerly. She moved at that.

Obviously, a huge shape shifting wolf was more frightening than a vampire.

Jacob gave a long grumble. He didn't like being rated lower than us I almost laughed. I lead Renee into my office to sort her out. At the same time, I met Jacob's pained expression. He was probably concerned about Renesmee.

"Go" I whispered, under my breath. Although Edward claimed not to, I understood his bond. It was so vital.

With a sigh, I bandaged up her arm. It was only a small cut and normally it wouldn't have even needed a plaster, but it would mask the smell. She looked at me in such a bizarre way as if saying 'is that really necessary?'

"Just a precaution" I assured her, she gave a weak smile seeming to understand.

From outside I heard Edward hiss. But it was not a hiss of fury, it was pain and hurt and loss. I thought of the only thing that could make him react like that. Bella.

Realising we had bigger problems than Renee I scrawled a note for Renee and vanished to meet Edward. He had already gone. Flying like a bullet from a gun he had disappeared into the forest.


Sorry it took so long to update. I'm really pleased because I am three votes away from 30 votes on the whole thing....sooo I decided I would wait to reach 30 before I next update :O - sorry in a kinda cheeky mood... but when I say thirty it is on the whole story so u can vote 3 times if you really want to XD

Thank you so much to my fans and to xoxTwilightfanxox18 because... her stuff is really awsomme and you should all read it.

Seriously she is way better than me! Oh and another thing you should read it 'The Long Road Home' it's about Alice and Jasper but it is so amazing and I can't wait for the next chapter. Read it if you haven't already XD.

So yeah, sorry about the long note but I figured it was best at the end than the start *sheepish grin* : ) so please vote and comment and thank you for reading if your read this long notey thingy...I kind of blabber hehe and vote, comment, tweet etc etc etc !

Continuation Of Breaking DawnWhere stories live. Discover now