Continuation of Breaking Dawn: Detour

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Bella POV:

No. This couldn't have happened. How had we gone from everyone being safe and well to this?

It had been the perfect set up. There were minor...flaws I suppose but they were fixable. Like a tiny dent on the surface.

And now that dent was deep. It had grown, grown, grown until it pierced through to the underneath. Although that had not been enough either. No that inconsequential crack had grown to a hole getting bigger and deeper all the time.

It had destroyed everything. Making the dent into a gaping fissure. Ruining everything. Like an earthquake, so lethal and so unpredictable in its nature...

The thing that made it worse though is that I knew. Already. As soon as I met Edward's eyes, I knew.

If he hadn't been by my side in a second I think I would have frozen. Lapsed into silence and just stopped. Again my whole family was in danger because of me.

Why did I go so far out? Why didn't I take Charlie to Carlisle? Why hadn't I made sure he didn't see everything? Just keep him in the dark, explain a little, but not too much.

Now...I couldn't think of words to describe this. Charlie was there much hope for him now? If the volturi had him then what hope could he possibly have?

There were two choices - death or this life.

Death. Well obviously I didn't want that. If it wasn't for me he could have a normal life. A happy life. So I wanted him to live. In this life?

With the volturi though, I knew - sure as anything - that Charlie wouldn't be drinking animal blood. The thought was repulsive and disgusting. It made me sick to my stomach.

An image of Charlie, blood red eyes, a feral snarl, pouncing...

That wasn't all though. I didn't want Charlie to suffer! The pain of it, burned into my mind like a branding iron. I mentally shuddered.

He would be better dying; I almost hoped that he would. It would save him from it. But then again, did I want that?

Charlie wasn't the only problem either. If they had got him then they would get Renee. Of course we would be much more careful. But there was only so much that we could do. If we wanted to help Charlie then we would have to go to Italy. If we went there. If Aro knew we had told her. Then Renee too had the agonizing life or death choice.

Through all this, my main attention was on Edward. We were just looking at each other. What we couldn't possibly bare to lose.

The whole exchange and reasoning had taken less than a second. Looking around the room, I saw Alice and Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett, Carlisle and Esme doing the same. We were all thinking in unison.

I knew what I had to do. If I could take away Renee, only myself so no one else knew then the volturi would never find her. She would be safe. That would save her surely.

I think the others were thinking the same too, for everyone was looking towards me expectantly.

"I'm going to take Renee home now," I stated, my voice so close to shaking, "I will see you all when I get back."

Edwards hand was held out half way like he wanted to come, but he understood. There was no way he had missed the obvious.

I gestured to Renee. Although looking confused and a little scared, she tip-toed over to me. Alice had already gathered her stuff adding her countless presents to the pile and was standing by Renee's side, even smiling a little.

But I could see the strain behind it. The effort it took for her to smile was phenomenal. I mustered all the concentration I could and fixed my face into a smile too.

In no time at all, we were on the road.

Just keep going slowly, don't scare her, I kept reminding myself. It was hard, though, as all I wanted to do was sweep her up in my arms and run as far as I could away and hide her, protect her so she would live.

But what sort of life would that be?

It was a long time before either of us spoke. Renee started the conversation.

"I'm sorry for the trouble, Bella, but it was nice seeing you." she gestured at me, one eyebrow rising ever so slightly in scepticism, "I've missed you so much -"

Her voice cut off slightly. Too sharply. She sounded like she meant something else.

Was she worried that I wouldn't see her again? Maybe that was what was necessary - to keep her safe. But then again, that's what Edward had thought when he left me...

"I won't leave Renee, I'll visit you."

"And everyone else?" She probed. I wondered how she was quite so exactly to the point.

"No, Renee. It's complicated"

"What about Nessie?"

"Maybe one day, but not now - it's too dangerous."

She accepted it like a child arguing with her mum...knowing she was defeated but still having to ask. We talked a little about where she was going. Somewhere inconspicuous.

I'd organised it all. It was the perfect place. She would be upset, I knew that. But she could always call me and what other choice did I have. So I'd brought it up with her. It had taken a good half an hour before she accepted it.

Now we sat in silence. And I was thinking. About something else Renee had said. Before, she'd talked about Nessie. About wanting to see her more. And it had reminded me back in the house as Edward and I clung to each other of Nessie and Jacob.

A look of longing had been in her expression. Reminded me of Edward and I. She wanted Jacob and he wanted her. Oh why stop her? I thought. Surely I couldn't be thinking rationally. Could I?

But what about the other way round. If she was preventing me from seeing Edward.

Well if she had forever, that was fine. Surely. Perhaps right, perhaps not. But there would be an eternity to make up for it.

Yet if there wouldn't be that... If there was even a small chance that they wouldn't have that. Then how could I possibly deny them that.

Once I had sorted Renee out, I pushed my foot to the floor on the throttle. The ground whizzed beneath me. It took half an hour to get home. I almost laughed, it had been a two hour journey.

When I got back I ploughed into Edwards arms and tugged him towards the house, ignoring Emmett's inappropriate comments about my intentions. So I had growled. Even in this situation, in this amount of danger, he could keep his mouth shut.

When we were away from everyone, with Nessie being the main person to keep away from I opened my shield, letting Edward hear what I had thought about in the car.

I twisted my head at inhuman speed to face his Edward. I thought about them - they clearly loved each other. That would never change.

Edward eyed me incredulously to begin with but I could see he understood my reasoning. More than understood it.

'We will talk to Nessie and Jacob about this?' I thought, 'to give them...our permission?'

I wasn't that comfortable with the idea myself. I mean Nessie was still only 5 years old. But she looked 15 and I knew she was mature far beyond that. Much smarter than I was. She would be sensible.

He looked as if he wanted to disagree with me although comparing her to me had changed everything. I knew that we would never consider the alternative.

A small sigh and then Edward gave a small nod.

A/N: Wow I hadn't realised this guys but I have 55 votes! I am sooooo unbelivably happy and everyone is commenting. You guys are all so awsomme :) So please vote and comment again :) and I will upload soonish!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2010 ⏰

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