Continuation of Breaking Dawn: Renee

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A/N: WOW! I officially love you guys <3, I have 9 votes (not that many compared to some, but still!! Enough for me to make the effort to write this) AND!!!....I have 3 fans - how amazing XD Sorry I didn't upload any earlier but I am very busy at the moment. Anyway, thank you and voila!

Oh and because otherwise you will think I have left this out or gone crazy :P Renee and Phil have split up.

And thank-you so so so so much guys I now have 12 votes!!! So I wrote this extra long chapter so please enjoy and vote more... x-Ellez-x

Bella POV:

Oh I was so worried about this.

So we had talked about it, probably excessively, but still it didn't stop the thoughts ripping through me.

Okay, calm down I thought. Alice had assured me it would be fine, she could see no one would get hurt, at least.

Jasper looked over toward me and sent me a wave of calm.

"Bella, seriously, you're making me really on edge."

I didn't say anything, but I could see from my reflection in his eyes that I looked sheepish. If I could, I would've blushed.

My nerves were so awful that even Nessie, despite my best attempts, noticed and came over to give me a hug. She placed her hand on my cheek as she thought, reassuring me.

I was worried about Renee. The first, and last, time she'd met her she'd believed Renesmee was indeed my human child.

It was Renee's birthday today and although between Charlie and I, we had kept her away for a couple of years she had insisted - not taking no for an answer.

And how could we refuse? After everything that had happened to Phi, him just leaving her like that. In my fury, I had almost tracked him down, wishing the same fate that Rosalie had on her husband....

But then Edward had stopped, telling me that one, I would regret it and it would hardly be a good example for Nessie and second, it was a tad over the top.

Besides, he'd countered, Renee will be upset when they find his body. I just muttered that they didn't have to find it...

So the story was we would tell Renee that we were all a little bit 'different' and, like Charlie had, let her guess the reason. Of course, knowing how perceptive she was she might hit the mark exactly.

We heard the car along time before it came. As we listened to it we froze but relaxed, with some help from Jasper, and began the 'acting human pretence'.

Everyone else, who had been upstairs, came down into the front room.

Nessie squeezed my hand as well. She was a little bit nervous but more excited than anything else.

I knew she could handle it. School had been hard, true, but there were hundreds more people and she had been bleeding after all.

We heard Charlie warn Renee 'not to be freaked out' and that 'he was just the same old Charlie'. I knew she was confused by this but it was definitely better. Especially as today was one of those rarely sunny days. If we went outside...

The doorbell rang.

Carlisle walked, seemingly very slowly, towards the front door. As he opened it I caught sight of Charlie and Renee on the threshold.

I missed Charlie I always did, but I hadn't seen Renee for a long, long time. I remembered her perfectly, but it was so good to see her again. My nerves evaporated in a fraction of a second.

She had changed, I think even a human could tell that. Her eyes were a little further sunken and her creamy skin was slightly more weathered and worn.

Immediately I walked over, slowly - so frustrating, to pull her into a huge hug.

"Mom" I breathed, my throat burned a little but I had it under control.

Renee smiled back and her expression mirrored mine.

"You haven't changed a bit Bella." Her eyes raked round the room as she took in everyone's appearances. "You all look just the same" and then as she saw Renesmee her smiling expression fell.

"Bella?" her voice was a mere whisper "Is that...?" she said, not quite finishing.

"Yes mom, see we are all a little different." I began, "And well, she is the most special of us all -" I did my best to explain but I was interrupted.

"Is she five, as in five years old? This isn't some kind of a joke is it, your niece or something?" Renee questioned, surprisingly quite angrily.

I had always remembered her as so....bubbly and happy. The way yoga made some people.

"No." I let my teeth tap together making a loud click and I watched as Charlie edge closer to her and place a hand on her back as if to reassure her.

She gave a small nod and, after along silence she sat down on the sofa. Under her breath, obviously unaware we could all hear, 'so young, so young'.

I gave a startled glance at Edward.

"Bella, another thing" Renee asked, her voice not shaky in the slightest, "Do you... age? Any of you? Carlisle? Esme? Edward?"

I was a little bit Edward answered that one.

"No, we don't. We," he gestured around the room, "stay more or less the same."

"Like forever?" Charlie challenged. I gulped, he hadn't thought of that on his own and now we were answering questions.

I nodded cautiously. Whilst Charlie looked a little flabbergasted - he had known we were different but not that different - Renee did not seem to mind one bit.

"Well, Bells, I have to say I'm a little shocked, but if that's what you wanted," she eyed Edward up, "then I am pleased for you."

"Like mother like daughter" Edward muttered so only I could hear. I knew exactly what he meant. I surprised him often enough but then again, I had been brought up by Renee...

Charlie didn't say anything, but I could tell, once he'd had some time to think about it, he would be ok.

It was a long tense moment but Alice broke the silence as she weaved her way toward Renee and gently tugged her arm towards the pile of presents waiting on the table.

Renee gave a gasp; Charlie gave a sigh (he was used to Alice's OTT disorder, I think we could safely call it) and Alice rolled her eyes.

A/N: I can't believe I have 12 votes now (so excited) - I had 9 at the start of writting this

Ok so I did have more planned for this chapter but I kind of got carried away but, oh well, it is the weekend tomorrow (FINALLY) so I will write you another chapter very soon....

Now - PLEASE comment and vote and make me very, very happy - it means so much to me seriously I would have stopped this ages ago if no one had voted (:

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