Continuation of Breaking Dawn: Fight

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A/N: Ooooh 'fight'!!!! :O what does that mean....well you will just have to read and see :P

Bella POV

It was hard to think about my daughter struggling.

And I was only talking about her self-control. I didn't even need to mention her problems with Jacob that Edward had told me about.

Nessie wouldn't be happy about me knowing. She thought it was bad enough that her dad could read her thoughts as she phrased it 'she didn't need two mind reading parents'

The worst part about the whole thing was that Edward and Jacob were suffering too.

Partially because they were so close to Nessie, but mainly because they had their own problems with the same issue.

Jacob was trying so hard not to push her into any of this, so it was her own choice, but he was struggling with it now. A few weeks back he had begun to think of Nessie a little...differently.

Edward had been furious and had almost ripped Jacobs head off - no pun intended.

Pretty similar, I suppose, to me in the first place when I had found out about the imprinting.

Yet Edward had calmed down when I told him we had a long time before that happened yet. Nessie was only 5 and even if she reached full maturity at 6 she wouldn't be thinking about those kinds of things for a long time.

But apparently, I had been proven wrong.

At that moment, as if on cue to interrupt my thoughts, Nessie and Alice joined us.

Alice, her normal chirpy self went to go 'get some food', yeah right, whilst nudging Nessie toward us and motioned for her to sit down. She looked very strained, her jaw line taut and her eyes focusing straight ahead.

She nodded slightly at Alice's gesture and took the seat, pulling it out slightly too fast, between Jacob and I.

"I'm sorry Nes, I know it's hard. It gets easier I promise" I whispered, feeling slightly bad for forcing her to come to school - maybe she wasn't ready yet.

"It's fine mom, I'm coping aren't I?" Nessie managed. "I'm sorry you can't have a more normal time here" she finished, either sadly or painfully or maybe both.

I winced; she was downplaying her being in pain... again. Shrugging it off like it wasn't there. Changing the subject and then apologising for something that was most certainly not her fault.

Exactly what I used to do.

"So you like anyone here then?" I asked her, trying to make 'normal' conversation or what I thought that was anyway.

"No, I haven't really been able to speak to anyone" She trailed her strange heart beating faster, fluttering like a humming bird, and Edward arched one eyebrow questioningly.

I looked to him very confused, and desperately trying to understand why Nessie was now blushing as red as a tomato.

I thought he wasn't going to say anything, wait till later but the he pulled me into an embrace whispered 'Jacob' in my ear, so softly and so quickly, that neither Nessie nor Jacob would hear a thing.

Now I understood. I pushed back my shield and thought to Edward, 'maybe we should talk about this'.

His expression told me that he had already thought of that.

Not a moment later we all caught the scent of fresh blood coming from the hall way. Before any of us had time to think, Nessie had sprung up obviously not thinking about anything.

Whilst Jacob, Edward and I tried to restrain Nessie, stop her from making to much noise and get her out the room, the others worked on a suitable distraction which in other circumstances would have been entertaining.

But Nessie, the wonderful person that she was, regained control as soon as she was outside. From there we watched the other's distraction

Alice and Rosalie improvised settling for a cat fight and they acted out hurling each other around by their hair and clawing and biting each other. Alice poured a tub of lukewarm beans over Rosalie as Rosalie battered Alice with a ladle.

Meanwhile, Emmett and Jasper decided that the school cafeteria was an ideal place for a brawl and got right down to it. Not missing their fair share of throwing food at each other of course.

In no time at all, the whole cafeteria had joined in and food was flying everywhere.

That was, of course, until the head of the school came in and then there was silence.

"Who started this?" he demanded of the students and 100 fingers pointed toward Alice, Rosalie, Jasper and Emmett.

Continuation Of Breaking DawnWhere stories live. Discover now