Continuation of Breaking Dawn: Storm

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A/N: next part

Carlisle POV:

I couldn't watch this. It was too horrible.

Bella's head looked as if it were about to snap of if she moved it any faster.

I had heard most of it anyway. Felix was here. I heard Bella and Felix talking, snarling. Fighting. I gave a shudder. And Edward had been upset. Really upset.

I knew what that meant had happened to Bella. It was so awful.

And now Charlie wasn't here either. It took me less than a millisecond to pull it all together. The volturi had come for Charlie.

How would we explain this to Renee? Or for that matter, Charlie?

A plan formed in my head. We had to save Charlie from this. So, Bella and I would run back - fetching Jasper and Emmett, neither would want to miss this out. I winced.

That would leave the rest of us to guard Renee and Nessie (for Aro would surely like to 'keep' her), should we need to, as well as explain the whole idea to Renee.

Edward nodded in agreement and set in the direction that Felix had left.

"No, Edward. Stay, Please. " Bella's eyes opened wide as she realised, my and his intent, and clutched at his arm.

"Bella, it will be fine, I promise. Besides, Jasper and Emmett will join me."

Reluctantly, Bella released her grip on his arm. Then she leaned up close, so she was touching him and whispered something inaudible in his ear, and pulled him into a passionate but incredibly quick embrace.

Ugh. I turned away. I felt like I was intruding.

Edward gave a small chuckle and darted throw the trees following Felix's scent.

We met Jasper and Emmett half way back. They, meaning Emmett of course, had got curious and 'decided to see if they could join in with the brawl'. I rolled my eyes but Bella and I explained the situation to them.

They shot off, after Edward and at exactly the same time Bella and I returned back to the house.

The whole exchange had taken just under a few seconds.

Bella sighed. I knew exactly what she was thinking. My thoughts took a turn, a leap, back to Renee. I took a deep breath, almost as if to steady myself and walked back into the house.

Renee looked much the same as she had when I left her - she still wasn't done reading my note.

Noticing I had entered, she looked up from the note - startled.

"Carlisle," she breathed, "You said, you were going somewhere and already?"

She seemed so confused. Another long sigh.

"Come Renee. I'll explain it all to you."

I led her into the dining room where most of the family was waiting. Besides, Charlie. Besides Edward or Jasper or Emmett.

Yet the only person that Renee noticed to be missing was Charlie. She looked round the room frantically. We saw several emotions flit across her face. Shock. Anxiety. Fear. Confusion. And then her eyes, cautious and tight, her expression serious, she took a seat - far away from Nessie.

I sat beside her. The room was so tense.

"We all know why we are here." I began. And it was no lie. Nessie in particular acknowledged that, hanging her head shamefully as Jacob tried to comfort her.

I turned back to Renee. Another deep breath - this was going to become a habit sometime soon.

"Renee. I don't know how much you saw; back there -" I paused seeing her wince slightly, "-but I want to tell you all of it. You need to know."

We had tried to keep Charlie out-of-the-know as much as possible and that had worked out terribly.

Renee looked, more worried than before, speechless and looked as if she had seen a ghost, but then she gave a tiny nod. So I continued.

"The first thing I want you to know Renee is that no one here will hurt you. The second thing is that if you want to leave, we won't stop you."

Renee didn't say anything but I left a long enough pause for her to digest what I had said.

"Well, Renee, the thing is we are vampires." Her eyes opened wide like she didn't believe me. I flashed my teeth at her and her eyes opened even wider. She opened her mouth like she wanted to speak but nothing came out. Her heartbeat sped up.

"Now, we are vegetarians as such. Well, not exactly, but the whole point of it is that we don't kill humans. We only feed on animals."

I tried to keep my voice as calm as possible. Renee looked far more... I searched for the right word... normal now, so I went on.

"See vampires have some extra abilities, I suppose you could call them."

"Like turning into a wolf?" Renee half smiled, looking over at Jacob. Wait smiled? She was definitely taking this wrongly, bizarrely in fact. How could someone be excited about this?

"No. That's just Jake. And he's not a vampire either." I paused again and gestured to Jake. Renee's brow furrowed in confusion. I desperately hoped that this wouldn't be too much for her.

"Umm Renee," Jake was explaining now, and he stammered more than I had, was he more nervous than I was? No, I'd just had the practice.

"See Renee, I'm a werewolf. Well more like a shape shifter..."

Renee's face dropped again.

This was going to take a lot of explaining. Time for round two, I thought to myself.


Deep in the forest there was silence. Not a single sound as if the animals had vanished and the gentle breeze had disappeared. Not even the tops of the tree stifled in the non-existent wind.

And to a human, there would be nothing. Without a trace.

Yet to some the forest was alive. Somewhere slightly further north, there were three vampires frantically scenting the forest floor making the leaves crackle ever so slightly.

But who was worried about being quiet?

Well for one, Felix was. This had taken a lot of preparation, a lot of Aro's time. He would not mess it up. The still breeze stirred. This was what he had been waiting for.

Felix scaled the tree effortlessly and leaped lithely from the swaying trees. Felix mentally grunted. He wasn't used to being this graceful.

But it was the only way this would work, yes. Felix knew that. He knew that as he jumped from tree to tree. He knew that as he reached the rocks.

Yet most importantly, he knew that when he slid into the ice cold water that his scent would be useless. He made a noise now but he knew it was unnoticeable. Unnoticeable as the waves crashed against the beach and the rocks - an indication of the coming storm.

And he dived deeper letting the water close over his head. With all his power he sped through the water, his thoughts smug. Now he was away from it all, he could think again without giving anything away.

Back on land, three vampires were still scouring the land. Trying to pick up a scent. To pick up anything that would lead them to the stray vampire.

Trying, trying, trying.

Trying but not doing anything. Not succeeding.

And when the rain fell, they returned to the big white house full of defeat.

A/N: Sorry I didn't upload sooner :L but I will try and write another piece today or tomorrow because this one wasn't very long....anyways thank so so much everyone who voted and commented!! XD

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