Continuation of Breaking Dawn: Insanity

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A/N: So I think this is kind of a depressing chapter lol but you will just have to read it and try and work out wot on earth is going on. So vote and comment and blah de blah de blah

<-------------------------------------------VOTE NOW!!!! Come on it'll take you two seconds - this took me like two hours :P Basically just vote, x-Ellez-x

Charlie POV:

How could this have happened? It had been so perfect, everything going so well.

And then without warning the kitchen wall had crashed down and the first thing I saw was Jake flying through the air and spurting fur. Ugh that was bad enough.

The next thing I knew everyone was there fighting. I could barely follow it but that's what I thought was happening I heard snarling and snapping. And Nessie! Her eyes were a pitch black, not like she was wearing contacts, but all over - like something out of a horror movie, long white fangs exposed. Like she was...a vampire?

That scared me the most. She was Bella's daughter; I struggled over the thoughts in my head, so if she was a vampire, what was Edward?

My eyes met Renee's - panicked and confused, yet not scared, like mine - as she peered out from behind a shaggy wolf. I gave another involuntary shiver. I didn't need to see this so I closed my eyes.

And then I was flying. My stomach was knotting like I was falling from a twenty story building and then, twisting like I had been punched in the gut by a prize fighter.

I tried to open my eyes, to make sense of it, but everything was an incomprehensible blur and the air ripped past my eyes making them stream and burn.

Then we, my capturer and I, had stopped - my insides lurching like someone had hit the brakes at 200 miles an hour. It must be Edward. I had always known he was rotten for Bella.

I felt the shock show on my face as I saw Bella. No, no, no. It was all wrong. It wasn't her, never her. She was my daughter. No it wasn't possible.

"W-wh-what? Bells? A v-vam...?" I managed. We'd been moving so fast, maybe - No, no, no. I started shaking my head - it couldn't be. She was my daughter. It was Bella - what was I thinking?

But despite my efforts the ideas kept evolving and forming in my head. I wanted to get rid of them, anything to stop them.

If she was a, a vampire I thought, mentally stammering over the word -

"Yes, I am Charlie. A vampire" she interrupted my thinking, changing it again, my mind was in overdrive.

But when?

When she had been ill.

I knew the answer before I'd thought of the question. She had changed so much, so maybe it wasn't her.

I mean she didn't look like her, or sound like her. Maybe I had just been so desperate to believe it was her, when Jake had said 'Bella's leaving'; there aren't words, the day was still firmly etched into my memory.

What if all this time Bella, my Bella was out there somewhere? Instead of this thing, this imposter.

The woman standing in front of me was not my daughter. Thinking the words made it final. I needed to get away.

"Charlie, I'm not going to hurt you I promise"

She held her hands out wide, stepping back and her voice was soft but I didn't trust her. Lies, it was all lies. A trick, a trap, a scheme.

What did I know about vampires? Garlic? No, I didn't have any of that. Stakes, no, not that either. What else? I raked my brain.

Sunlight. It had been a sunny day to day hadn't it? So that's all I needed to do, find a clearing. Which way had we come?

I took of running, away from her anyway to get away from her. I didn't hear her behind me but I didn't risk a look back. Just keep running, keep going, I told myself over and over.

I wasn't sure how much time had passed but I found myself stop dead and I curled up in a ball - rocking back and forth like a mental patient. I screwed my eyes up as if they were glued shut.

It had all been too much. I must have gone insane.

I heard the sound of water in my ears, boulders crashing like a landslide flooding down the mountain, snakes hissing in the snaking grass around me like snaring my wrist and ankles in unbreakable bonds. They touched my neck and slithered down my arms.

But I kept my eyes tight shut. Yes, I would keep them squeezed together, like it would stop the images that flooded my mind. Maybe I was crazy. Or delusional. Perhaps both.

Yet I would take it. I'd take it and be thankful. Just not this; anything but this.

And then I felt so tired and so awake all at the same time. So I drifted in and out of consciousness not knowing what was going on.

So frightening I mused in my mind, I had never been happier.

I slid into a deeper dream and awoke in a room. Lying on a bed, so numb I couldn't feel but my senses so heightened it was unreal.

Surrounded. They were in a circle all around me. All of them looking at me; their red eyes were far too focused and all of them were far too distant. They spoke in hushed conversation. A faint humming sound.

Then slower, for my sake, one of them gave a low chuckle and spoke.

"Well, you know what to do," An anticipated buzz tore through the crowd but as sudden as it had begun, it was over. "and as for you, my friend. You have done well you are free to go."

I strained my neck to see him but I couldn't. Like my neck was welded to the table, I couldn't move.

And then it began everything so fast I couldn't see.

But I could feel. Yes I knew I could feel. As they burned me I could feel.

I could hear as well. They were so silent though. They didn't make a noise. What I could hear where my own screams as they set me on fire...

A/N: So I told you something BIG would happen. I wasn't joking :L well it will all make sense soon but...I bet you can guess now what happens next well maybe, maybe not.

Keep reading and keep voting. I am so so sorry I didn't write earlier the other time. But, if I get to 35 votes....I will upload right away or as quickly as I can type anyways XD. Cheers....x-Ellez-x

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