Continuation of Breaking Dawn: Carlisle

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A/N: I was so excited today because two people voted! I am so sad but thank you SOOOOOOOO much the people who did (not sure who you are :L) and, although I was going to upload this weekend...I decided to upload it now!

And sorry about the long boring note thingy :P

Carlisle POV:

How could they do this? After I had warned them to behave. They really should know better.

With a long sigh, I slid smoothly into my car and reached for my mobile. I had the number on speed dial although I knew it off by heart anyway.

"Hello, Carlisle?" The voice on the other end of the phone answered speculatively.

"Esme, it's me" I gave another sigh, "They've got into trouble already - can you come down to school with me?"

Esme growled down the phone line so loudly that I imagine even a human would have heard it. Like me, she was annoyed that Nessie's first day of school had been ruined.

Now we would have to put up the pretence of home schooling. Again.

"What have they done this time" Esme snarled down the phone although she spoke a great deal quieter.

"I don't know. I just got a phone call from the head, he asked us if we could come in and talk..." I trailed off, not quite knowing what they'd done this time.

There was a long pause, "I'll see you there then." Then more lightly, "I love you"

Hanging up, I put my phone in my bag and pushed the throttle even closer to the floor as I sped along the highway.

I reached the school in a matter of no time and Esme met me there. At human speed we walked into the reception. A middle aged woman sat at the desk, fixated on sifting through piles of paperwork but she looked up as she heard us enter and her heart fluttered a little.

I gave a little chuckle and Esme smiled at my attempt to lighten the mood. Apparently, it hadn't worked.

"Hello, my name is Carlisle Cullen. I believe that the head wanted us to come in and talk."

"Umm...yes, of course... right. First door on the right" She stammered, shakily pointing toward a narrow corridor. Then under her breath, 'get a hold of yourself, he's married'.

Esme shot her a murderous glare to which I nudged her in the ribs. I thanked the receptionist and we walked down to the office. When we were called in we took an observant glance round the room. Sure enough, Alice, Rosalie, Jasper and Emmett were standing in the corner.

Of course it was them. I had been slightly worried it might be Nessie but I don't see how I could have doubted her anyway.

My four children, however, were a different matter. Rosalie was glaring, apparently at Alice, whilst Alice and Jasper looked Sheepish and Emmett, being Emmett, had a huge, animated grin on his face.

But that wasn't all. What had they done, the four of them were covered with food. Ahhh.... That would explain why Rosalie was looking like she could kill someone which, in her case, was not a figure of speech.

I cleared my throat and gazed over towards the principal.

"I apologise for what my children have done in advance, they can behave like this sometimes." I began in my most formal voice.

All of a sudden I began to feel very angry and I shot a somewhat confused, somewhat annoyed glare at Jasper who let out a small snicker.

I followed his gaze as I saw the principal turning purple. Literally. I started to worry about his health, this couldn't be good...

"I will not have anything of the sort. I hereby expel all your children from this school." He yelled, incredibly loud for a human, "I will have you know that this is an extremely selective school. OUT!!!"

I did feel sorry for the poor principal. Probably not what your typical father would be thinking but I was far from that. Jasper's gift, I suppose you would have to call it, affected vampires strongly enough.

The effect on a human... Well, he had just turned purple.

I turned to my children as soon as we were out.

"I don't even want to know. Unbelievable." I muttered, knowing full well that they would hear perfectly.

"It was for Nessie," Emmett blurted, "She was going to snap, so we made a distraction so Edward, Bella and Jacob could get her out."

"And you had to go so much over the top?" Esme scorned, "And Jasper, what was that in there? Did you want to get expelled? Well I guess I know the answer already."

"Hey, I wasn't going to," Jasper whined, "Edward told me too. Nessie was struggling too much and he thought it'd be best."

Typical, they were all blaming each other. No doubt a conspiracy; I knew exactly how crafty they were. I would ask Edward when we got in.

Just then, Edward jumped onto the roof of the car, like he was some kind of superhero. He gave a small chuckle at my comparison and slid into the already cramped care.

"Carlisle, they are telling the truth. It was my fault - Nessie was struggling and it was best. I told Jasper to do that at the end."

So they were all involved in it then. Edward gave a small nod. Hmmmm.

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