Continuation of Breaking Dawn: Felix

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A/N: Okay so....thanks for the votes - would've update earlier but I had homework grrrrr.... anyway enjoy and vote! I have the next part written and when it gets to...oh i don't know, let's say 45 votes (that means i need 9 :)) I will upload it!! x-Ellez-x

Bella POV:

I followed Charlie deeper into the forest. Poor Charlie, he'd found out all the stuff he didn't want to know in a few seconds and well, I think he was in shock just a little.

I leaped a little higher up the next tree, wanting to get a better view of Charlie.

While he was a lot less clumsy than my human self, he was no cross country runner. It showed on every branch or rock that he tripped on - every time I was ready, by his side, so he would never fall.

I would not allow him to be hurt, not so much as graze his knee. I could keep him safe and I would.

He didn't keep running for very long. He just stopped dead in his tracks, like something was wrong and slumped into a ball. Rocking and trembling back and forth. He was really a mess.

Yet something distracted me from Charlie. As the wind changed I caught a scent. It was pleasant and smelt like honeydew but my eyes opened wide in recognition as I realised what this meant.

I knew this scent. It was no human, no wolf but a vampire. Stone, cold and dead like myself.

But unlike me, this one hunted humans. This one was brutal and wanted harm. Still, and perhaps most importantly, this one could fight.


No. He would never get Charlie.

I dropped down from my perch, my fall soundless a part from a low, quiet thud as the balls of my feet connected with the ground.

Felix was there in seconds. He stood about ten metres away.

"Bella, it's been too long" he purred, like he was greeting a long lost friend.

"Get to the point Felix, what do you want?" I snarled, my thoughts flashed back to Charlie - was he safe? Was this part of a plan? But I kept a poker face. I didn't want to alert Felix of the turmoil inside me.

"Well, Bella, you see I am so sorry. To have to do this -" Felix almost sneered, "-but you just told him what you were Bella. He can't live. Not now, unless..." He trailed off suggestively, knowing exactly what I thought about that idea. Was he completely insane?

"Never." I shifted my body forward into a hunting crouch. I opened my shield and screamed at Edward through it as much as I possibly could. Felix would be out of his range, but we were connected so much more. Maybe, there was at least a chance.

"Then, I do apologise." His voice was almost sincere, like he truly cared. I tried again, if it was too far for Edward, then maybe I could try Alice?

We would leave, no I would leave. I swore to myself we, Edward and I, would leave, and run away as soon as this was over. I vowed it over and over in my head. Hoping Alice could see...

I hissed, the sound like a thousand snakes as the air vibrated up my throat.

Felix pounced and it was over.

I never had a chance; I did hold him up, for a fraction of a second and maybe it made all the difference but nevertheless, my attempt was futile.

He had been with the volturi too long.

Pain ripped through me, reminding me of the burning...oh crap Edward I thought at the same time - I had opened my mind up hoping he would hear.

Literally ripping. I felt like a jigsaw which I would have found funny, maybe ironic - but the pain was too much.

I was still functioning though. I could feel every limb stinging like lemon juice in a wound.

I saw Felix pull out a lighter and I felt the sudden dread that was coming over me, I should have run, I should have fled.

He played with it for a few seconds, maybe I was just lucky or maybe it was fate but looking away towards the east, he gave a half-hearted sigh and vanished into the distance. What!?!

A minuet moment later, I understood. It was Edward. He had heard me! I would be ok. His footsteps fell on the forest floor, he moved so fast that his steps sounded like a musical note - continuous and in time - even to the vampire hearing.

Wow! He was moving fast.

I heard him before I saw him but that alone wasn't surprising as I could neither move efficiently nor quickly.

"No Bella! Oh no. No, no, no" He half whispered, half sobbed as he frantically tried to gather up chunks of white rock that were scattered across the leaves.

Oh! The pain was so overwhelming and it roared through me like I was burning again. Although I wasn't prepared, I controlled myself - I could handle this.

"CARLISLE!" He screamed, so loud that I heard my own ear drums vibrating with the sheer volume of it.

I felt another shudder and suddenly realised the cause. The limbs joining, they tingled and stung sure, but more than that they burned in a million flames like they were combusting.

I felt like I was combusting.

But Edward was quick. He didn't hang around and I was up, already wearing a poker face.

He did not need to know that it hurt.

I looked him straight in the eye. His eyes - full of concern and love and longing.

"Bella?" He asked his voice so weak that I could barely hear it.

I literally leapt on him, throwing my arms around his neck and kissing his lips feverishly like my existence depended on it. Words could not explain anything. He gave in to, moaning as we pulled each other into a deep kiss.

Yet he pulled away, too soon. I looked up at him in confusion. His whole expression was pained, jaw taut.

"Bella are you...okay," he searched for the right word, "did it hurt?" his voice was so close to breaking I hardly believed it.

"A little" I allowed. Hoping, no wishing, that he would leave it at that.

One of his perfect eyebrows lifted, incredulously, but he left it.

Carlisle joined us. His expression puzzled but mainly, concerned. To start with I thought he was worrying about me, but then I saw Edward's expression too, he seemed...worried.

I flicked my head back and forth between the two of them for an instant before everything came flooding back. Nessie was she alright? And Renee her too...and, oh! Charlie. No this couldn't happen.

I shook my head in denial, trying to shake some sense into it. This couldn't happen. There had to be some other explanation. Had to be.

But there wasn't.

Oh God help us.

A/N: Sorry if anyone is religious for the last bit....but anyway review and comment etc etc etc

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