Mix thoroughly: all the chocolate will be on the bottom.

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Chapter 3: Mix thoroughly: all the chocolate will be on the bottom.

Tom pulled up outside of the Londoners b+b and glanced at the building then to me "Your not serious" he said "I've seen better hovels than this, please tell me your not staying here?".

"Its all i could afford" i replied "Its not......".

"Karen, love please let me take you to a hotel PLEASE!"

I cringed at the thought of having him pay for a hotel for me "I couldn't possibly let you do that and i wouldn't, i......".

Tom interrupted me "I know, but please i couldn't bear it knowing your staying here, your not safe, PLEASE" he held my hands as he begged me.

"OK, OK but i will pay you back" i said looking over my shoulder at him as i walked in "You coming in or waiting here?" i was hoping he would choose the latter but no he decided to come in. I unlocked my room and we entered, i could see Tom looking around.

"This is.........nice?" he said "Cozy!!".

"OK, so its not The Ritz, when i booked it i never dreamt i would be bringing Tom Hiddleston back here" i tried to sound so sarcastic but failed.

Tom just stood and looked at me "I'm sorry, what did i say Tom? i didn't mean to hurt your feelings" i rushed over to him and placed my hand upon his cheek, he closed his eyes as i did this and placed his left hand on top of my right.

"Karen, i've watched you on TV for months now and your so pure, so true, you deserve everything good in the world and i can give you that" he stepped closer until our lips were nearly touching "Let me be your prince, let me give you everything i want to give you".

I started to cry and Tom hugged me, never before had anyone been so honest with me, i didn't really know what to say, Tom just wrapped me in his arms and held me tight.

"I know about all the pain you have endured before you were on the show" he sat me down and held me tight "Losing your boyfriend of 14 years and your two kids would have broken anyone, but you kept going, you went on the show for them, you got to the final for them and its what made me fall in love with you".

Love! I've always longed for an Hollywood actor to fall for me but this was real, this was now "Tom, i god!!, i never dreamt this, well i have dreamt it happening" i laughed through tears "But really me?" i was astonished that i could attract someone like him, Tom stood up and looked down at me.

"Well to be more honest, i fell for you when Sue Perkins asked you if you had anyone you would want to bake for, who would it be? and you said my name and i'm grateful you did because you were the only reason i agreed to appear today".

I stood up and hugged him, Tom kissed my forehead then turned and opened the closet to help me repack my things, thank god i had gone clothes shopping, i had to buy new because of my weight loss, i had a gastric band fitted in the April now it was early October and i had lost a total of 8 stone, mind you losing my family at the end of April didn't really help, i turned to face Tom

"Was it my fault" i asked him, catching him by surprise "Were my family killed because they were coming to see me in hospital? because of being ill after my operation?"

Tom drew closer "No heavens love,its not your fault at all, the drunk driver Philip Rogers who drove into them caused that! NOT YOU! don't ever think it was your fault".

Tom held me for the longest time until he glanced at his watch "Heavens we have to get a move on, lets finish packing then get you to The Ritz" he winked and flashed his smile making my heart melt again.

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