Cover and Decorate.

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Chapter 9: Cover and Decorate.

It was Monday morning and i only had a few hours left in London before my coach at 3pm, Tom decided that he would take me on a quick tour of the  city but as we were driving out of London i began to wonder where we were going.

"Don't worry so much it's only 9 and the copter only takes 2 hours" he laughed and kissed my knuckles.

"Copter? 2 hours? Tom 2 hours to do what?".

"Darling we're going on a helicopter tour of London".

I was dumb struck and a little frightened, i had never been in a helicopter before and had only flown twice in an airplane.

"I'm a nervous flyer" I said smiling.

"So am i, we can be nervous together, come on it will be fun".

His smile and laughter were infectious and soon we were both belly laughing, Tom told a few jokes and did some impressions, i'm sure it was to relax me and he kept the jokes up until we were in the air.

The ride over London was amazing, i held onto Tom for the whole of the flight looking at all the sights. We went to lunch in a little Italian restaurant then got back into the car. The drive back towards Hammersmith was a quite one, i knew Tom did not want me to leave and to be honest i didn't want to leave him either but i had work and a house to get back to.

We sat waiting for the coach, Tom had one arm around me and the other holding my hands.

The coach arrived, i looked at Tom with tears in my eyes.

"Don't go" he said again.

"Tom, i have to go back you know that, i would love to stay, to stay with you but i, i have work and....".

"Transfer to London" he said holding me tighter to him "i know i leave in 2 weeks but i'm sure Iceland could make it happen?, I've loved being with you and i don't want this to just be a fling" he said lifting my chin up so that our eyes met, tears were falling from his eyes and i had to hold him tight.

"I don't either".

"Karen, be my girlfriend we can make it work i promise".

"Are you sure we can?" i said crying and smiling at the same time "I would love to be your girlfriend Tom".

He held me tighter and span me around then we kissed. We stood looking at each other smiling and he wiped our tears away.

"Last call for Bridgwater" The coach assistant called.

Tom handed my suitcase to the driver and he placed it in the hold, then Tom gave me one last kiss "I want to come with you but Luke would kill me if i just took off".

"Oh he so would, maybe if you can get away at the weekend you could come down?".

"It's a date love".

As i climbed on board i shouted to Tom "Hey Loki! I'll call you when i get home, as long as you can get phone reception in Asgard?" and blew Tom a kiss then went to my seat.

Everyone on board were staring at Tom who had his best Loki grin on.

When i got home my friend Ayshea met me, she asked me about the whole weekend and about Tom, Ayshea was a huge fan of Tom's as well and was beaming when i went into some details about us.

"Oh my god Karen, really? well that is why it's nicknamed Hiddlesconda!".

We laughed and it was good to feel relaxed. Ayshea left to go home and i was left in the house on my own as my brother was working nights. I phoned Tom and we talked for over an hour then i grabbed a blanket and tried to sleep on the sofa. I went to work the next day but had to mainly work out the back as reporters and fans kept coming into the shop, My manager Shane had to get the Angel place shopping centre security to keep them out so that the shoppers could still buy thier shopping during my lunch hour i met with Detective Taylor and found out that Phillip Rogers was being held on remand and his court date would be in a few days. When my day had finished Charlotte gave me a lift home and came in for a cup of tea.

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