Display then cut.

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Chapter 10: Display then cut.

"No wait please!" my nightmare had me in a grip of fear.

"Karen, love it's OK, i'm here, i'm here" Tom said holding me tightly whilst i cried.

"I'm sorry, i can't stop the nightmare's", my head still hurt and now it had mixed with the nightmare and given me a headache.

"It's OK darling, i'm here to help you through this".

Tom held me until i fell asleep in his arms, once again my alarm went off at 5am i reached over and turned it off, as i got out of bed i suddenly heard a noise, i should have woken Tom, but as the noise came from Oliver's room i thought that one of the cats had gotten in there. I opened Oliver's door and was face to face with a strange man.

"I want to talk to you Karen, i have to explain......." he said walking towards me.

As i screamed and turned to run he caught my arm but not enough to stop me from falling down the stairs, Tom came running out of the bedroom and hit the man out cold then he noticed me at the bottom of the stairs, Tom ran to my side, my head was bleeding again and i was hurting everywhere, i tried to move but Tom kept me still.

"Don't move love please, yes i need an ambulance and the police", Tom said into his phone then looking down at me "this is my fault i should have protected you better".

"It's not your fault, oww!!, Tom don't blame yourself" i said as he kissed my lips.

Suddenly the pain in my head was shooting and i couldn't keep my eyes open "Tom, i don't, i don't feel......" i passed out.

"Karen, Karen, stay with me! god help me no i can't lose you now!".

Charlotte had arrived just as i was being loaded into the ambulance, photographers were being kept back by my neighbours and the police. Charlotte ran straight over to Tom.

"Tom, what happened? is Karen OK?" she asked concerned and with tears in her eyes.

"Charlotte, she's OK, her head was bleeding and she passed out, some jerk broke in and tried to grab her". he said whilst watching the police bring the man out of my home.

"Sir, we have to go" one of the ambulance men said to Tom.

"OK i'm coming". he turned to Charlotte and gave her a hug taking her by surprise.

"Go Tom, she'll be OK, she's in good hands and you stay safe, keep me up to date please".

"I will, apologize to Shane for her".

A police man helped Charlotte back to her car and she continued onto work, the ambulance doors were closed and 15 minutes later we were at Musgrove hospital. As doctors examined me another doctor and Detective Taylor tried to ask Tom what had happened.

"Just tell me what happened when you heard Miss frost scream" Detective Taylor asked holding a pen and notepad.

"I um, heard Karen scream, so i jumped out of bed, then just as i made it to the bedroom door i heard a crash, i came face to face with the bloke and just hit him, i couldn't contain myself, he had no right to be there, then i spotted Karen at the bottom of the stairs, i rushed down to her and called an ambulance, tell me she's going to be OK?" Tom said sitting down on the corridor floor against the wall with his head resting on his knees and his arm's wrapped around himself.

Luke had arrived at this time and had already started liaising with hospital staff and police to get all the information he could to release a press statement on mine and Tom's behalf. Tom and Luke waited in my room with me.

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