Buy and sell.

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Chapter 12: Buy and sell.

When we arrived at Tom's apartment the whole place was surrounded by press and new's van's. The limo pulled up outside and four security men stood and opened the door, as soon as they did the press were shouting out my name asking for my reaction to Phillip Rogers having escaped police custody, we were bundled through the press and up into the apartment, i felt my heart sinking as i dropped onto the sofa, Tom, Luke, Ken and the other's were all making calls, Ayshea and Charlotte came and sat with me, i was trembling trying to figure all this out.

"I just don't understand what's going on Char? what does this all mean?". i said looking up at her with tears pouring down my face.

She pulled me into a hug and Ayshea held my hand "Hey Karen, don't worry everyone is here and this will all get sorted, we won't leave you".

"Thanks guy's but i just need a moment" i got up and walked upstairs to the bathroom, i shut the door behind me and slid down it to the floor, i could hear muffled voices downstairs and felt like curling up into a ball and wishing it all away, i don't know how long i had been there when i heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" i said lifting my head off of my knee's.

"Karen, love it's me, open the door please".

Tom sounded unlike himself and when i opened the door i could tell he had been crying, had i done this to him had i brought this crap into his life, he entered the bathroom and sat down beside me pulling me against him, i felt safe in his embrace and just started crying again.

"For a night that started out so wonderful, this has turned out to be really shitty typical for my birthday". i said as i sat back up and looked at Tom.

"Hey, it will be OK, you'll be OK" he said holding my face and wiping away my tears.

"I'm so sorry to bring this into your life, it's not fair on you, i.......".

"No don't talk like that, this is not your fault, i'm here and i will be for the long haul, trust me i love you" he said as he knelt in front of me "We need to go back downstairs, the police are here and they want to talk to you, don't shake your head, i will be right with you as will everyone else down there, come on".

Tom pulled me up and we started to walk down stairs, that's when i spotted Detective Taylor.

"Detective, why are you here?" i said, even though in my head i just went "Duh, he's the lead officer on this case, that's why he is here".

"Miss Frost, i need you to sit down please, this is going to be hard to say".

I could tell from his face that this was bad news, i sat on the sofa with Tom one side and his mum the other, everyone else was either sat or stood around.

"Whilst interviewing Mr Rogers and his brother we have discovered that he has been obsessed with you for over a year now, what i'm going to tell you next is not pleasant, if you want we can talk in pri".

"No, please just say whatever it is".

"We learned from David Rogers that Phillip had been upset about you going back into hospital and drank allot because of it, the morning that your family were coming to visit you, he drove to watch your family leave the house then followed, he, um...... drove with the intention to kill them, he saw them as an obstacle between you and so drove them to crash on purpose, i'm sorry but he killed them on purpose".

I sat frozen to the spot, tears were steaming down my face and my heart felt broken, Tom held me close and his mum rubbed my back to comfort me, i suddenly felt sick, standing quickly i almost collapsed, Tom caught me and held me in his arms, i could hear everyone saying my name but everything was fuzzy i felt like the world had just dropped out of me but i placed my arms around Tom's neck and he carried me up stairs followed by his mum, Charlotte and Ayshea, Tom placed me on the bed and kissed my cheek, turning to his mum he said.

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