Cake is always better.

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Chapter 11: Cake is always better.

It was Saturday 11th October and it was my birthday, when i woke to find that Tom was no where to be seen i decided to get up and go in search of him, as i went to get out of bed Tom entered with a trey filled with breakfast and a pot of tea.

"Hey back in bed Missy, its your birthday and i've brought you breakfast in bed to share" he said grinning at me and winking.

I giggled and sat back in and propped the pillows up, Tom placed the trey down in the middle of the bed and then left the room, moments later he appeared again with an armful of gifts and cards he placed them down in front of me, i looked at him smiling as he kissed my cheek.

"Happy Birthday princess, there not all from me, your family and friends gave me some to bring back with us".

He walked round the bed and climbed in next to me, i couldn't decide what to open first so opened all the cards, i had cards from my parents, everyone at Iceland's and then all of Tom's family had also given me cards along with Benedict and Ken. The presents were amazing:

From Iceland all the staff had gotten me a vintage set of silver loop earrings with matching bracelet.

My parents had given me a new watch, i had allot of jewellery and makeup, i looked at Tom with a smile and he caught my eye.

"Well at least you won't run out"  Tom said laughing and moving the presents so we could eat breakfast "I've got a present for you but i want to give it to you later?".

We ate breakfast then showered, when i was dressed i sat and phoned everyone to thank them, i could not get hold of any of Tom's family to thank them so i left a message.

"Are you ready?" Tom said leaning against the bedroom door "I've got a whole day planned".

"Ready, so where are we off too?" i said as i reached up to wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him on his soft lips, Tom wrapped his arms around me and held me close, he smelled really good and i could have easily had just stayed in bed with him all day but he was excited to take me  out for the day he had planned.

"All i can tell you is that you will love it trust me". he said taking my hand and we left his apartment.

As we pulled away in his car, Tom took hold of my hand and brushed his lips against my knuckles "I'm taking you to meet my mum and sister's, i've decided to treat you all to a spa and shopping day, they want to spend the day with you but first we have to stop and pick up something".

"OK?" i said looking at him suspiciously. What has he got planned and what do we have to pick up. We drove through Piccadilly Circus, up through Shaftbury Avenue then down towards The Strand then Tom signaled to Pull into The Savoy, as we neared the doors i suddenly recognized two very familiar people, i jumped out the car screaming "Ayshea! Charlotte!, oh my god what are you doing here?" i said hugging them and nearly falling over.

"Tom invited us for tonight" Ayshea said giving Tom a hug.

"Happy birthday, surprise!" Charlotte said hugging me tighter "Tom invited us for the weekend to spend it with you for your birthday and for the party tonight".

"Oh yeah the party, i had completely forgotten" i said turning to Tom.

Tom laughed and took out his phone "OK ladies group hug".

We surrounded Tom and he took the photo, all of us grinning like mad hatters.

We arrived at Nicky Clarke's salon in Mayfair and all of us just stared out of the window, then we all turned to Tom who was getting out of the car, he came round and opened the doors and gave me his hand to help me out as i know he was still worried about me, we walked into the salon and was greeted by Tom's mum and sister's, i introduced my friends to them and everyone hugged or shook hands then Ayshea and i spotted Nicky Clarke walking towards us, i couldn't believe it and was getting a little dizzy from all the excitement, Tom noticed and took hold of me.

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