Bake for 2 hours then leave to cool.

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Chapter 6: Bake for 2 hours then leave to cool.

Waiting out the back i could hear Mel and Sue joking around and getting the audience going.

"So its time to get our bakers out please give a big welcome to the Cake Boy himself Eric Lanlard" Mel said as the audience clapped and cheered.

"And please give a very warm welcome to his assistant today, Somerset's own and Great British Bake Off finalist, oh and Loki's favourite Karen Frost" Sue said with great excitement.

As Eric and i made our way onto the stage, all i could see was a sea of people, everyone of them clapping and cheering and smiling. Eric spoke first.

"Good morning" his soft french accent made every woman in the audience melt.

"Good morning" i said nervously.

We gave Mel and Sue a hug, then Eric spoke to me.

"So Karen, what do you think of this turn out?" he said with a huge grin and a gesture towards the audience.

I smiled and looked out again "This is fantastic, thank you all for coming but Eric i have to admit i'm a little nervous and a little star struck".

Eric laughed and gave me a hug to calm down. We got on with the baking, with Eric talking through the steps to his chocolate heaven fudge cake surprise and i did the baking as with all these shows someone (Eric) had already made the finished sponges and we just had to decorate it. Once the cake was finished we cut the cake open to reveal a white chocolate heart running through the cake, the audience, Mel and Sue all cheered and i was relieved i had got Eric's instructions right. I smiled at Eric and the audience "Thank god" i shouted and everyone laughed. Next Eric and i spent the next hour and a half posing for phots and signing autographs.

It was then 1pm and i met up with Bec's and Robert for our walk about, I managed to buy a few cake products and we all had a great laugh when we stopped at the Nielsen Massey cocktail bar owned by Eric, Bec's and i had vanilla infused mojito's (yes more than 1). As we were finishing the walkabout i heard my name called, i turned to see Tom's sister Emma with her friend Zowey and her mum Diana.

"Karen, its good to see you again" she said giving me a hug then introduced me to her mum "Karen this is my mum Diana, mum this is Tom's girlfriend Karen".

"Girlfriend! wow um" i stammer.

"Nice to meet you Karen, actually i'm glad as Tom has been driving me mad about how he couldn't wait to meet you yesterday".

I have to admit i was a little taken aback by this revelation. "Thank you" i said with a big cheesy grin "Its good to meet you" i said, and she gave me another hug, as she did, Diana whispered in my ear.

"Don't worry about the papers sweet, Luke will sort everything".

"Thank you Diana" i said smiling at her, as i pulled away a tear ran down my face and Diana wiped it away without anyone else seeing, smiling she gave me a wink.

"Its lovely to meet you and i hope to see you later with my son, Please!".

"OK, that would be great" i said as we walked away towards the green room again.

Once again it was lunch time and both Bec's and Robert went off with their families and i stayed behind. 10 minutes after everyone left i decided that i was hungry and would go find a little cafe. I walked to a small cafe at the back entrance to Earls court and sat in the corner with a sandwich and a pot of Twinning tea, i sat and thought  about everything that had happened since April remembering the day my world fell apart.

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