Leave to cool.

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Chapter 7: Leave to cool.

When i entered the suite i found a note on the bed from Tom.

Karen, Please accept this gift hung in the closet and the matching boxes on the bed. love Tom. xxx

I opened the closet and found a beautiful white and silver flowing dress and in the boxes matching shoes and a clutch bag, i stared at the dress and then i squealed like a little kid at Christmas, just then my phone rang, it was Tom.

"Hey gorgeous do you......"

"Oh my god Tom, i love the dress, I've never had a dress like this before, its amazing thank you, thank you, i love all of it" I couldn't contain myself and it was making him laugh.

"I'm glad you like it, i had help".

"Who helped?, no one here knows my size?"

"I contacted your work and spoke to Charlotte, i sent pictures to her phone of different dresses and we agreed on the one before you" he said, i could tell he was smiling.

"I have to ring Charlotte, to thank her as well, i can't believe it, it looks like something a princess would wear, i love it thank you".

"You deserve it princess, you are my princess, oh by the way Emma and Zowey said they are coming over to you they want to do your hair and make up".

I was puzzled "My hair?" I looked at it and my hair was pulled back into a pony tail.

"Yeah Zowey is Emma's hairdresser and best friend so they wanted to treat you, is that OK?"

"Mr Hiddleston, wake me up from this dream"

"Its no dream baby, see you soon"

I phoned Charlotte and we talked about everything that had happened the past two days, i had to start getting ready so told Charlotte i would ring her tomorrow and let her know about tonight, we had become close friends since she was transferred from the Taunton store.

I sat watching Zowey transform my hair from limp and lifeless to full and bouncy with curls that came down over my shoulders, Emma did my make up as i have no clue what suits me, then the door bell rang.

"That's Tom" Emma said "He's early?".

Emma and Zowey looked at each other and then at me, saying together

"He's never early?"

"He obviously can't wait to see you" Zowey said going to answer the door.

"Tom, come in" i heard her say.

"Zowey you look lovely as always, everything OK?"

"Wait here" Zowey said "I'll see if they are ready and yes every things fine".

"OMG! Karen you look amazing, Tom will love you" Emma said as Zowey joined her.

They both smiled and gave me a hug, i said thank you to both of them, then they left to join Tom for a drink, i looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't believe what i was seeing, i then picked up the clutch bag and my phone, took a few deep breaths then walked into the living area, Tom had his back to me as he handed Emma her drink, then he turned.

His face lit up with a huge smile "You look wonderful, truly amazing", he walked over to me and placed his hands either side of my head and kissed me gently.

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