Stack and Cream.

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Chapter 8: Stack and Cream.

The next morning Tom brought me a cup of tea and some toast.

"Morning beautiful" he said as he placed the tea and toast next to a glass of ice water and pain killers, "Take these, you drank a lot last night, and with not eating much you got very drunk, i had to carry you back here as you passed out in the limo".

He handed me the pain killers, bent down and brushed my lips with his soft lips, i felt myself awaken at his simple touch, as he walked away i pulled him back by his underwear, as Tom turned to face me i was already standing, he grabbed me by my shoulders and we kissed with an intensity that was burning down to my core, the next thing i knew we were in the shower.

Tom kissed down my jaw line onto my neck and down to my breasts , he then turned me around and was again kissing my neck while his hands found their way inside me and even just his touch drove me other the edge and i had an explosive orgasm, I decided i had to repay the favour and knelt down in front of him smiling to myself (Loki would love this i thought) i took him in my mouth and heard him moan which drove me on to pleasure him more until he came.

"God love!" he said breathing hard, i was a little pleased with myself, we then had the best sex in the shower i had ever had and when we finished we sat on the shower seat holding each other.

I then asked "I didn't embarrass you last night did i?" getting out and wrapping a towel around myself.

"No love, you were fine" he said, walking butt naked out of the bathroom to the closet and taking out a suit then changing his mind putting it back and taking out jeans and a white shirt "Why would you think that?".

I sat on the edge of the bed and looked up at Tom "I just thought i had, i don't really remember much, how much did i drink?".

Tom laughed loudly pulling on his jeans "Well you managed to out drink Ben, Chris and my dad but not Ken, you too can drink like fish" he pulled me up "Lisa rang earlier you have to be there for 8 as your baking your own signature cake or something?".

I had totally forgotten!!!!!

"Jesus Christ i forgot about that" i stood in the bathroom doorway then quickly had another shower , did my teeth and when i came back into the bedroom Tom was dressed.

"I have to go, I've got an early meeting and guitar lesson later" he kissed me then turned to walk out "Ken said he'll pick you up as I'm working till 8".

I nodded, "OK" i smiled after him "Are you going commando?".

A wicked grin spread across his face, he winked and left to meet Luke downstairs.

Today was the busiest at the show with over 28,000 people and i managed to get through my solo signature bake with Mel and Sue, they had the audience in fits and posed for photos with me after, it took nearly 2 hours to get through all the photos and signing autographs but i loved meeting everyone and thanking them, now i understood what Tom meant when he told me to just relax and enjoy the fans. At 5pm i joined Bec's and Robert to help close the show, then i took Lisa and the girls in the office some flowers i had picked up earlier on a break.

"Thank you Lisa, for everything" i hugged her.

"You are very welcome Kaz" she held me tight "If you need anything just call".

"Thank you".

I left and waited out the front today for Ken, then realized i forgot to ask Tom for Ken's number, i checked my phone, no "Great", i decided to text Tom.

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