For Sale Or Not For Sale.

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Chapter 14: For Sale Or Not For Sale.

It was nearly 10pm when Nik finally arrived, he had cleared Max's security checks and knocked on the door. I opened the door and began jumping for joy, Nik was here and i was glad.

"Thank god i'm finally here" he said walking in with his bags and shaking Tom's hand "I have to say a big thank you for inviting me to stay with you, i would of stayed with Mark but find that a little awkward".

"Our pleasure, i'm just happy you said you would stay here and help protect Karen while i'm away" Tom said "I'll take your bags while you two catch up".

Tom took Nik's bag's to his room while Nik swooped me up in his big muscle arms, i made tea and we talked for another hour before Tom and i said goodnight.

The following morning i woke feeling very tired after another night of nightmare's, I showered and went to make breakfast for Tom and Nik it was only 6 but both of them had gone for a run together, with breakfast made i set it out as they came in through the door laughing together and Tom congratulating Nik on such a good run he helped push him harder and he enjoyed it.

"Maybe you can get Karen to go running with you? Tom said grinning at me.

I sat down next to him and rolled my eye's, i don't run as i don't enjoy it but i might suggest going to the gym with Nik as he goes everyday without fail.

I was sat in the airport with Tom waiting for his flight to Louisiana, as i took my gaze away from people watching i turned to Tom.

"So, will you be home for Christmas?" i asked nervously.

"I hope so, i won't know until we're under way" he say's taking my hand and kissing it "I really want to spend Christmas with you, so you can cook for me woman!" laughing and standing in front of me.

His flight was boarding but i suddenly didn't want him to go, i held him close and he took out our phones and took two photo's, one for his phone and one for mine, then he stood looking down at me with his hands on my arms.

"I hate that i'm leaving, i just want you to know that i love you and i'll miss you and please for god's sake listen to Nik and Max and stay safe".

"I promise, i Love you to" i said leaning up and kissing him.

Tom's flight was called again, we kissed and he slowly headed to the boarding gate, we waved at each other then he was gone, gone for six months!.

It was a week to Christmas and i was getting ready to appear on Let's Do Lunch with chef Gino D'Acampo and Melanie Sykes, the week's had gone quickly and quietly with Tom away. I missed him like crazy but we talked when he wasn't filming and would video phone when we could, the police were still looking for Phillip Rogers even though they now thought that he might be abroad, my first thought when i was told that was that he may have gone after Tom, but then the police had reports of sightings all over France.

The show went well with me cooking with Gino and talking about living with the fear of having a stalker, it was something i wanted to talk about i wanted to show that i wasn't afraid of Phillip Rogers. When the show finished i thanked both Mel and Gino and managed to get a signed autograph for my cousin Tracey who adores Gino (she will love me for that).

As Max held the door open i could sense something was up.

"Max what is it? Is Tom OK?" i said as my heart began beating faster.

"Karen we have to get to Guy's and St Thomas hospital" he said placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Why? what's happened, where's Nik?" i said quickly panicking.

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