Add one 7oz jar of Marshmallow creme.

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Chapter 4: Add one 7oz jar of Marshmallow creme.

I danced the night away with Tom, knowing that he was a fantastic dancer, i also had a drinking game with a group that stopped me on my way back from the loo, Emma said to carry on and she would let Tom know where i was, before i knew it, i was downing tequila with a vodka chaser, Tom knew that with me not eating very much the drink would be too much for me to handle, he would be right i felt very sick by the eighth vodka and held my hands up as a sign of no more, the man i was drinking against stood and cheered with his group and helped me to my feet, just then i felt an arm around my waist, it was Tom i had been gone for nearly half an hour and he looked worried.

"Love your drunk" he shouted over the music "Think i need to get you out of here" he held me up and we walked back to the others.

"I'm taking Karen back to her hotel, see you all later" this time he picked me up in his arms and carried me to the limo.

I was feeling sick and rushed to the bathroom when we got back, i made it in time but was totally embarrassed when i eventually came out, i had brushed my teeth and was trying to take my dress off.

"Let me do that" i heard Tom say and with that he removed my dress and underwear and carried me to the bed, we began kissing and he kissed me all over concentrating on my breasts before moving down the bed between my legs and plunging his tongue deep inside me, i knew i was in for the best night in my life and as we came together we ended up screaming at the top of our voices then fell asleep in a tangle of arms and legs.

Tom shook me awake "Karen! Karen! wake up!".

My eyes bolted open and i sat up quickly with tears streaming down my face, it must have been a bad dream, the same dream i had most nights. Steve and the children would be laughing and playing with me on Weymouth beach then from no where a scream happens and as i look around, i suddenly see Steve and the kids walking into the sea holding hands, i try to move to follow but the sand won't let me move. "Steve!! wait, wait for me! Oli! Kiera! NO please wait PLEASE!"

Tom held me tight as i was shaking, i told Tom about my nightmare, my tears were slowly stopping, i needed to get up and walk this off.

"I'll come with you" Tom said releasing me and sitting up.

I grab my jeans and t-shirt and head towards the door"No Tom please i just need 10 minutes alone" i could see the worry in his eyes "I'll be OK, i'm just going for a cigarette".

"OK, any longer and i'll be sending search and rescue" he laughed as he said this and watched me leave the bedroom. I sat outside on the curb just watching the world go by, even at 3:48am the streets were packed, mostly clubbers on their way back to hotels or home.

My head was clearing and i decided to go back to the suite and grab a cup of tea, when i entered the suite all was quiet, i looked in on Tom and he was fast asleep "Well so much for the search and rescue" i whispered, i closed the door and went into the kitchen, i made a cup of tea and decided only one thing could relax me now BAKING!!.

When Tom came into the kitchen a few hours later he found the worktops full of muffins and croissants.

"Morning Tom" i said, handing him his tea "Breakfast?".

"Wow, love you've been busy" he said laughing "Oh is that chocolate muffins?".

Tom sat down at the dinning table and i placed the croissants and muffins in front of him "Enjoy" i said laughing and catching his eyes.

"Croissants and muffins for breakfast,darling i love this, thank you" he got up and kissed me on the cheek then sat down to eat and drink his tea.

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