chapter 9 (Emily's point of view)

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Buzz, buzz the alarm goes off for while before I manage to hear it , pulling the covers off my tired body I drag myself out of bed continued rub my red rimed eyes to clear my blurry vision, I stretching my arms over my head, I let out a yawn. and sat up right on my bed to slip on my purple feathery indoor slippers. Trudging my sleepy self to Aaron's air mattress , I crunch down to his level and begin shaking him trying to wake him .

But instead he turned his tired body buried himself deeper into covers. I pull covers off, his now shivery body and

"Aaron get your sleepy self out of bed, we are going to be late for school ." as I shook him harder so as to a waken but it was no use since Aaron slept like a log, so I knew that there was only one thing that could wake him that was the sent of fresh English pancakes so decided to walk the kitchen passing through the corridor I make my way kitchen I arrive in kitchen and went straight to the fridge pulling it open with one of my hands, I pick out a half eaten chocolate cream cake and placed on island in center of the room, I cut myself a slice and placed it on white plate on island and returned the rest of the cake to fridge before pulling out a glass of milk. shutting the fridge sit down and enjoy my meal while snacking on cake John Jac was our French chef walks in on me ,his features were of person in his early forty's his dark rich jelled hair was combed back wards in a Johnny bravo hair do,his midnight black eyes looked at me with disapproval as I ate the cake curling his mustache he questioned

"Madame Emily , you know your father doesn't like it when you are in the kitchen." he says in his strong French accent while curling his mustache ,completing the final looks to his chefs uniform he ties a black leather belt below his flab before putting on his white chef's hat , he finishes his look with blue epron

"Yes John , I know that am not supposed to be in kitchen eating pestries, but am hungry and you hadn't yet arrived."

"Pardon moi ,mademoiselle, but I the traffic was too much." John Jac said while looking at me with a apologetic look in his eyes

"So what will be having madam ?

"I want fresh English pancakes ."

Give me a minute , mademoiselle to prepare them for you " he said in strong French accent

I nod my head in response carried on demolishing the cake in my presence once done I wiped the cream off my face with a napkin and ,turned to face the corridor I started walking back to my room , when I came to halt looking over my shoulder I told "John Jac to bring the pancakes to my room when their a ready"

"Oui madame." he says before returning his attention to his work.

I returned to my room to find Aaron shirtless still under the covers with legs spread out on to air mattress with out care in world

I was infuriated the boy could sleep I had tried everything from playing loud music, screaming, to playing the alarm close to his ear but nothing was working,

it was coming to 7:00am and he was still sleeping and yet we had school , I walked angrily to bathroom got a bucket and filled It with cold water and made my way to back to Aaron's air mattress and spilled the cold water all over him wetting all his clothes but nothing happened he kept sleeping as if nothing happened

Then the Butler walked in with fresh English pancakes and Aaron's nose begins to tinkle like are bloodhound on a case but instead of case it was pan cakes on instinct he followed the sent in search of the source of sent from freshly prepared pancakes following nose's scent Aaron's begins to sleep walking towards the Butler, taking pancakes from Butler Aaron picks up one and brings it to his mouth finally taking a bite the flavours awaken taste birds in him making him slowly open his eyes

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