Possible Turning Point.

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Camila's POV

Wendsday how I hate Wendsday's. The middle of the school week and also the day the entire school has to sit and listen to the principal talk for an hour. Why did I have to go to school again today? Oh that's right because it was the only way I could get to see Lauren and maybe get her to talk to me.

Ever since Monday I have texted her to see if we could continue out talk but every time she'd tell me to either 'bug off' or "leave me the fuck alone stalker". The second one hurt the most because I was just trying to look out for her but I guess I'll just have to try a different method.

I haven't talked to Chris since I called him back on Monday and every time he called to see if I'd go over or if he could come to my house I'd tell him that my parents said no, even though it was a lie. As a matter of fact my parents have been worried about me ever since Lauren stopped being my friend. They had overheard the argument Lauren and I had that night and both of them had gotten mad at me for what had happened and for what I had been doing. It's like they loved Lauren more Ethan me when they yelled at me. But then I remember that to them Lauren was like their daughter too. 

My father had gotten even more furious with me when he foud out the reasons for my sleep overs at Lauren's and my mom had basically made me realize that it was stupid of me to let a boy get between my friendship with Lauren. The problem with them now is that they think Lauren and I fixed our fallout when we really haven't.

The bright side to it though was that I had other friends at school like, Ally and Sandra. So even when Lauren choose to actually notice me and insult me I had those girls by my side. Chris doesn't know that though. He just assumes Lauren doesn't like me because I stole her brother away.

When I got to school after being dropped off by my dad, I walked in and went to my locker to get my honors Math textbook. After closing my locker I turned around to head to class but I guess today was pick on Camila day for the head senior of the school.

"Well look at this everyone the senior nerd"

"Taylor please" I say in a whisper and not wanting to deal with this today. I mean yes I got skipped a grade big deal. 

"What was that? I can't hear you with the sound of your books falling to the floor" She says slapping my books out of my hands "aww where are your other two dorks? did they finally see the little Whore you are for doing their brothers" She mocks causing my eyes to begin to water since that was an insult that everyone used ever since they found out about me dating Lauren's brother

"Is little Camila going to cry? aww look everyone she's going to cry. Cry little whore" She continues to mock and I start to look down at the floor when I hear a loud sound and everyone go silent.

Lauren's POV

I hated going to school today but I needed to go. I have an exam in my chemistry class and I can't fail it or else I'll have to repeat my senior year. On top of that I had my honors math Class which I had with Camila, who I've been avoiding on purpose.

As I walked into school I had and un easy feeling. I didn't think much of it since it was school but as I headed towards my math class I heard people laughing and noticed that Taylor was mocking someone today. As I got closer to the crowd of teenagers I heard her say the one name I was trying to forget.

I made my way through everyone to get to the front and when I saw what was happening my rage took over.

The only thing on my mind was that Camila was crying and Cece was just laughing and not stopping. I couldn't take it anymore and out of pure rage and anger I walked right up to Cece and slapped the smile right off of her face causing everyone to shut up as well.

"You're going to pay for that Jauregui" Taylor threatens and in reality I didn't give a shit, no one has the damn right to make Camila cry not even ME.

"Bring it Swift" I say with a rage I never knew I had.

"You asked for it you fucking freak" and as she lunged at me I just did the one thing I knew would work. I punched her right in the face and once she was on the floor covering her nose I straddled her and kept hitting her till I felt two arms wrap around me and pull me off.

I knew it must have been one of the guys on the soccer team but when I looked up I was shocked to see who had pulled me away.

Camila's POV

I heard the slap and the silence,. When I looked up and saw who had defended me I couldn't believe it. Lauren. Lauren had actually just stood up for me and just when I thought that was it I saw the fight erupt . Well actually I saw Lauren turn into a tiger and start ripping Taylor to shreds but it was the same thing. I had no idea what was going on but I knew I had to get Lauren off of Taylor fast before a teacher came and ended up expelling Lauren. So I got all the strength I had and pulled her off of the blonde before she ended up killing her.

"Come on Rocky, before you kill someone" I said dragging her away as everyone moved out of our way.

I made my way to the farthest Bathroom on campus and pushed a fighting Lauren through the door. As I made our way there I tried to understand why she did that, because according to what has been going on these days Lauren didn't want anything t do with me and I would have thought she'd be the first to join Taylor in the insulting.

When I finally walked in I locked the bathroom door and faced a very pissed off Lauren.

"What the hell was that Lauren?" I ask completely confused about the situation.

"I should have killed her" She says panting with flared nostrils and punching a bathroom stall. and As I see this the red flag goes up.

There have only been two times I've seen Lauren this way and the other time was at a party we went to and some guy groped my ass sophomore year.

"Lauren breath" I say trying to calm her down but not touching her because I don't know how she'll react with my touch. 

"No she had no right. She has no right to make you cry or, or insult you" She stutters while trying to breath

"The same way you don't have the right to treat me the way you do" I tell her hoping she'll get the hint

"Exactly" she admits and I'm floored that she has actually admitted it.

Was I hallucinating? did Lauren Michelle Jauregui just acknowledge that she has no right to insult me or make me cry? Or is this a joke and I'm being punk'ed. 

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