This wasn't suppose to go this way

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Lauren's POV

After dropping off Camila I was on my way home and I remembered that her parents were a bit strict when it came going out to parties, and if I knew Camila like I knew her she probably ran out of her house after I sent her that text to meet me. I know it was something I shouldn't be thinking but I wanted her to go to this party, to make sure that I'd be able to see her there I took out my phone and speed dialed her house number. As I waited for someone to pick up I prayed that her mom would answer because she was easier to convince.

Fortunately for me her mom did pick up and all I had to do was explain what happened and then tell her about the party. When she agreed to letting her go I smiled and agreed to stop by soon then hung up. Now that I had that covered all that was left was to act like a cold hearted bitch to her when Chris or anyone else was around. Which was going to be hard since I have a feeling that somethings have started to change. 

As I pulled into my drive way I received a text from Camila and smiled. 

Camzi: You are the best. I owe you one.

Me: Pay me back by using your acting skills later tonight.

Camzi: Do I have to?

Me: yes unless you want Chris or anyone else to find out .

Camzi: Fine but don't be too frosty towards me. You never know if I might change my mind in kissing you later on. 

Me: Camila we talked about this. I don't want to come between you and Chris. I'll try to not be so mean tonight. 

Camzi: Honestly I don't even know about where Chris and I are going. And please try I really do like when you are nice to me.

Me: We'll talk about you and my brother some other time. I'll see you later.

Camzi: C.U. Later Lolo

And after reading that finale text I smiled. I love when she calls me Lolo even though I'd kill anyone else who dared to call me that.

When I walked into the house I could hear Chris blasting his music and I assumed he was getting ready, so I made my way to my room and decided to do the same.

An Hour & a Half Later

It was already 9:15 and we had to leave by 9:30. I was finishing up my makeup and putting on my boots. Lets be honest I wasn't going to go all out for this house party but maybe I could look good enough to make a certain someone focus on me more than anyone else. As I grabbed my phone and keys I took one more look  at myself in the mirror and straighten my leather jacket.

"Lauren Michelle Jauregui you are one Sexy ass Bitch" I say to myself with a smirk

I walked out of my room and at the same time Chris was leaving his.

"Whoa, well look who brought out the big guns for this party. Are we looking extra fly for a certain someone maybe Keaton?" He asks while giving me his first smile in days

"Very funny but no, Now let's go it's already 9:25" I tell him as I start to head towards the stairs

"Oh-uh I forgot to tell you that we have to pick up Camila on the way" he says and I know he has his eyes closed because he is afraid of my reaction but since he can't see me I just smile quickly then turn my bitch act on.

"Seriously Chris you couldn't have told me sooner about that last part?" I say to him with attitude

"I'm sorry Laur please, please please forgive me and do me this tiny little favor. I really need this to go perfect tonight with Camila" he says and I found it cute that my brother really wanted me to do this for him even though he didn't have to beg because I was going to do it any ways.

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