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Lauren's POV

After we finished breakfast I decided that I should head home so that when Chris got there I'd be the first person he sees. I kind of know that Camila didn't want me to leave, since she put a pouty face when I told her I had to go; so before I left I promised to text her once I got home and if anything she could call me and I'd be right over. She finally agreed after I added 3 large Hawaiian Pizzas and a full movie night.

I got home in about 15 minute, and when I walked in I could hear one of the showers running. I guess Chris got home before me, so I ran quietly to my room and took off the clothes from last night and put on a pair of yoga pants, a t-shirt and a hoddie, to make him think I was out on a run when he got back. After I made sure that I actually looked like I just went for a run I went down to the kitchen for a glass of water. As I walked out of the kitchen I was going to sit on the sofa and watch some T.V. but then I saw Chris coming down the stairs looking like shit.

"Laur can-can I talk to you for a sec?" he asks and honestly all I wanted to do was kill him, but I promised Camz I wouldn't do anything to him physically.

"Lauren please I-I need my big sister right now. I fucked up" He says and all I think is 'No Shit SHERLOCK you almost raped your girlfriend last night who also happens to be the girl I'm in LOVE with'.

"Please Lauren I-I don't remember much of last night and when I woke up this morning at Keaton's I was in bed with a girl that wasn't Camila" and when I hear him say that my eyes widen and I look at him

"YOU-WHAT?" I shout at him. Is he serious right now? He better be joking because he is on a thin line right now with me.

"I don't know what happened. I swear the last thing I remember was drinking another beer and then looking for Camila upstairs at Keaton's" he tells me as his eyes turn misty.

I clinched my fist trying to hold back my rage. Was he fucking serious right now. I take in a deep breath to calm myself down. 

"Christopher last night you were so fucking drunk you were about to rape Camila" I tell him and his eyes grow wide with horror

"No there's now way" He says in denial and I knew I was going to have to pull off the act of a life time here. 

"You little shit you were so fucking drunk you left bruises on her" I say trying to hold in my rage just remembering what happened last night. 

Chris' POV

No, No it can't be  Chris you ass what did you do? Why didn't I stop drinking when Camila asked me?

"wh-who stopped me?" I asked her with a shaky voice

"Wesley did after I had him knock down the door of the room you had her in" she answers and I was shocked that Lauren actually did something for Camila

"Ho-how did you even find us?" I ask her still shocked

"I went upstairs to use the bathroom and to get some crap Wesley needed when I heard Camila scream. It was a blood curling scream too. Lucky for you Wesley was behind me and he acted fast and knocked down the door after noticing it was locked." She tells me and my world sinks this can't be happening. I almost raped my own girlfriend. The one person I never thought would save her and if Lauren took action then It must have been really bad. Luckily she was at the right place at the right time because I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I had done something so horrible to sweet, innocent, and beautiful Camila, although I kind of did worst by cheating on her.

"I need to see her" I says in a desperate tone

"Not a chance when I drove her home the first thing she said was she never wanted to see you again ever." She responds and my heart stops

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