I Love You

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It was like slow motion. In an instant the mini vacation had turned from being perfect to a living inferno. Camila was frozen in place and Lauren had no idea that Camila and Sofi had just heard her shout the most hurtful moment in her life, to the person who caused it.

Sofi was scared. She had never heard Lauren shout or even yell at anyone and her big sister was standing like a statue with tears in her eyes. She was even scared to say a word and was terrified that her mom and dad weren't there to fix her sister or help Lauren.

When Sofi finally did speak it came out in a whisper that no one heard so she tried again a bit louder

"Lo-Lauren are-are you okay?" the little girl asks still scared

When Lauren heard that voice she turned around slowly and right in front of her stood a scared Sofi Cabello and a Shocked Camila Cabello with tear filled eyes

This was not good. Camila was not suppose to find out about this. Not at this moment, and little Sofi was definitely to young to even know about this.

"Hey Sofia" Paul says going around Lauren and smiling down at the little girl, who was now also scared of him

"Get away from her Paul" Lauren says through gritted teeth getting mad

"Calm down Lauren, I'm just saying hi to the baby Cabello" Paul says not giving a shit and smiling at Sofi 

"You sure got big since I last saw you" He says

"I said get the fuck away from her" Lauren says again pushing Paul away from Sofi, who was now hiding behind a still shocked Camila

"Fine, whatever but I'll see you around Lauren" He says winking and walking away with a smirk.

Lauren's POV

I want to kill him. GOD why out of all the places did he have to appear here and now. Oh god Sofi. She must be terrified, and Camz, Oh Lord.

"Sofi, it's ok little princess come here" I tell her getting down on my knees and calling her over

"Is-is he gone Lolo?" She asks with fear in her eyes and I know that she was scared. Shit I knew I was scared but I'll have to wait till later to drop my barrier. First I need to make sure Sofi and Camz are ok.

"Yes he's gone baby. Do you still want to make the big sand castle?" I asked her to make her smile but she shakes her head  'no'. "Um- ok then what do you want to do?" I ask not knowing what to do

"Make Mila stop crying" she says and I look up at Camila, who was indeed crying silently

"Alright well first I think we should go back to the room. Is that okay?" I ask the little princess

"Yes. I just don't want Mila crying" she replies and I know she is getting sad

"Let's go then sofa monster" I say picking her up in my arms and having her on my back while grabbing Camila's hand to leave.

The walk back to the room was very quiet and not the good kind of quiet but the bad kind. If Camila heard what I shouted I know she is going to ask questions and this time I can't get around them. On top of that Paul was around here somewhere and I did not like that at all.

When we got to the room I put Sofi down and grabbed the room key to open the door. I pulled Camila in and put our things on the floor.

"Sofi stay on the bed and watch cartoons Okay. I'm going to talk to Camila in the bathroom is that alright?" I ask her worried about them both

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