Well that wasn't Planned

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Camila's POV

After my little talk with my dad I was a bit relieved that he was accepting this radical change. He even said he kind of scared Lauren at the beginning because it was his job as my dad to be hard on the person dating me. I kind of laughed when he told me that she stuttered most of the time he talked to her, but then I felt bad about it because he must have really freaked her out if she was stuttering

When we finally got to the deck I saw that Lauren was sitting next to Sofi and she looked worried, she really does look cute when she's nervous. I looked up at my dad and he smiled at me which also made me smile. As we got closer to the table with food, I saw Lauren look at me and I gave her a small smile letting her know that it was fine. I took the seat next to her and I knew she was still a bit nervous so I placed my hand on her knee under the table to get her to relax. I know she is probably still freaked, I know I kind of am too but my dad said he would support me and anything I decide to do.

"So Mila have you called Chris and told him we are on our way home and get back tonight?" my mom asks and I feel Lauren tense up at the mention of Chris.

"I don't think Mila has even talked to Chris during this trip" My dad answers my mom and I stay silent

"What do you mean she hasn't even talked to him? he is her boyfriend" My mom says looking at me

"Mami I don't like Chris" Sofi says with a smile and I hold in a giggle. Leave it to my baby sister to lighten up the mood

"Sofi you don't have to like him pero Mila why haven't you talked to Chris?" my mom asks me again and I can feel that Lauren is getting uncomfortable

"Mami I just wanted a relaxed weekend okay that's why I haven't talked to him" I finally answer while I rub Lauren's knee to calm her down

"Well that is understandable but you have talked to your family right Lauren?" she asks looking at Lauren who shots her head up to look at my mom

"Um- yeah of course I-I talked to them last night" she lied and I seriously just want to finish this meal and leave this table with Lauren so my mom can stop with the questions.

"So how are they?" my mom asks and I look at my dad for help because I know he must have noticed that Lauren is nervous after her stutter

"Mi amor why don't we finish eating and then we can talk we still have a long trip till we get home" my dad says grabbing my mom's attention and I feel Lauren breathe.

After that the tension went away for a while until Sofi spoke and asked the wrong thing at the wrong time.

"Lolo are you still mad at Mila?" She asks and I turn to look at my little sister with wide eyes.

"Sofi why are you asking Lauren that?" my mom asks and I swallow dry

"Because Mila made Lolo mad that's why Mami" Sofi answers drinking some of her juice

"And what did Mila do to make Lauren mad?" My mother asks again now looking at me

"I don't know Mami but Lolo was mad" Sofi says

"Well Mila care to share what happened because I find it odd that both of you disappeared for almost 2 hours until I sent your father to go find you" My mom says and I look at my dad who stays silent. 

"Don't look at your father and answer me" she says crossing her arms over her chest and waiting for my answer

"Um- um" crap what do I say?

"I got mad because I found out that Camila broke up with Chris" Lauren says finally speaking and I look at my mom

"What? When did this Happen Camila?" my mom asks me with concern

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