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Camila's POV

Did Lauren just say what I think she said? No that can't be, could it? But that could explain why she had gotten pissed when I first told her Chris and I were dating. But no it can't be, can it?

"Please tell me you are joking?" I say looking at her

"I-I I'm sorry I-I should go" She says letting me go and starting to get off the bed but I stop her

"No! talk to me for once. You said you wanted to talk so talk." I tell her as I grab her arm

"Camila I-I" and I cut her off

"Please talk to me. You can't just tell me that and leave" I say and I can tell that she wasn't expecting me to stop her.

"Camila I" but I cut her off again

"Lauren please talk to me. I want to know why? Why the hell do you tell me this now? Better yet when did this even happen because I'm completely confused. I thought you hated me and now it turns out you're in love with me. Why?" I say as I start to get frustrated.

Lauren's POV

Shit why did I tell her that? I should have told her about Chris and his cheating. But I froze and said the first thing that came to my mind. She isn't going to let me leave until I tell her what she wants but I can't do that without telling her everything. I can't tell her It will kill her to know about it and it will kill me even more reliving it. I can't tell her that the night I needed her most was the night that I was raped. 

I looked at her pleading eyes and I knew I couldn't tell her that heart breaking part of this entire situation, it would just break her and make her feel even more guilty for what had happened and I can't let that occur so I do what I did before, I try to shut her out.

"Camila drop it. Act like this never happened" I say pulling my arm out of her grip.

"No I want to know and you're going to tell me" she shouts and I know she isn't going to stop till she gets an answer, so I close my eyes and pray that she will forgive me one day.

"Fine you want to know, I'll tell you. I do hate you. This entire time ever since Taylor insulted you on Wednesday, I've been playing you. This whole time Taylor and I have been messing with you, and you fell for it. Come Monday morning the whole school is going to know how you got with the brother and the sister at the same time." I yell and as I tell her those words my heart is breaking piece by piece.

I want to kill myself for the pain I'm causing her at this moment, but it is for the best. I can't have her knowing how damaged I am and I can't have her knowing how dangerously In Love I am with her. I'm also not ready to explain to her the things she wants to know.

I look at her and see her eyes water up and I feel like dying. I'm close to giving in and taking it all back because I can't stand seeing her cry, but all of a sudden I'm taken back when I feel her slap me.

"GET OUT!" she yells with tears in her eyes and shit I can't do this.

"Camz" I say trying to find a way to take it all back.

"I said GET OUT LAUREN." she shouts and I want to be buried alive.

"Camila Ple" I try once again because I seriously can't lose her.

"Don't you dare. I should have known better than to think you were still the same Lauren from a year ago. The one I could count on but I was wrong. Was last night part of everything too? Huh did you want Chris to get wasted the way he was just so you'd look like my hero last night? Did you plan on him trying to rape me? And this morning, the breakfast was it part of it too? Trying to get me to trust you. I should have listened to Chris when he told me you had become the BITCH OF MIAMI but no I had to think better of you because you were my best friend since 1st grade. But now I see he was right, NOW GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE" she yells with tears running down her face and that completely breaks me.

The Secrets We Keep (Remastered) (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now