The Trip Begins

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Chris' POV

I knew Camila was leaving around 6 with her family, so I made sure to come and see her before she left. It was 4:15 right now, so I could probably stay till they left and call Lauren to give me a ride back home.

Right now I was outside of her house with flowers, a huge teddy bear, and chocolates. The perfect things to say I'm going to miss you while you're gone. These past two weeks have been hard for me. I know I only have 4 more weeks left to tell Camila about what happened at Keaton's after she left, but I'm also trying to get her to forgive me for being a drunken idiot. So far nothing was working and I was getting desperate. When she opened the door I gave her a huge smile but it seems that she isn't happy to see me.

"Chris what are you doing here? I told you I am packing" she says but I leave my smile on my face in hopes that she will smile back

"I thought I could help out. You know maybe you need someone to help you choose your bikinis or other clothes plus I want to spend time with you before you leave" I say with puppy eyes. She love those.

"Chris my parents aren't home and you know how they get when you are here and they aren't. I suggest you go home" she says but I really don't want to.

"Come on baby please just for a while I came all the way over her just to see you and to give you these" I tell her showing her the teddy bear, flowers and chocolate.

"Chris No. I can't let you in. Sofi is almost home and I have to finish getting my things ready, then I have to help her and finally I have to make us something to eat before we leave. You can't just show up at my door and expect me to drop everything I'm doing and have to do to spend time with you. Now please go home . I'll call you later" She says and I deflate

"I can help you know" I tell her with a sad smile

"No you can't Christopher now GO HOME and take all this crap with you I don't want it" She says then slams the door in my face.

She's never going to forgive me for what happened. How the hell am I going to tell her about the cheating? I think to myself as I start to make my way home. Maybe her sister could help me. No her sister doesn't like me at all. 

Camila's POV

God he is becoming an annoying fucking tick that just won't stop. Maybe I should listen to Lauren and just breakup with him, no I'll give him a few more days to fess up and if he doesn't then I'm cutting him off.

As I'm about to go back up to my room, I hear a school bus honk and I know what that means, Sofi's home. I open the house door once again and running up the lawn was my baby sister.

"Mila, Mila look what I made at school today" She yells holding up a drawing and running into the house

"Let me see Little princess" I say smiling and taking the drawing out of her hand then closing the door.

"So do you like it?" She asks jumping up and down

"Uh- Sofi what is it?" I ask confused because all I see are red blobs and two stick figures holding hands and smiling

"Oh- well you see the red things hearts, and you see the two stick people at the bottom?" She asks and I nod "That's you and Lolo" she says smiling wide and I blush

"What do you mean, me and Lolo?" I ask her a bit worried

"Well remember on Tuesday when mami y papi went out for dinner and you and Lolo were watching me? I kind of didn't go to sleep when you told me to and I was going to tell you I wasn't tired but when I was going to walk into your room I saw Lolo kissing you. And two people only kiss when they love each other, like mami and papi do" She says innocently and I look at her with Wide eyes

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