Don't fuck with her

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Camila's POV (Earlier that night)

After Keaton dragged Lauren away, my happy high dropped to a glare. I had spent most of the party with Chris, but now and then I would get a few glances with Lauren then look away immediately. I had drank a few beers but stopped after my 3rd since I didn't want my parents finding out. And also because I had a feeling I would have to start babysitting Chris soon. He was already on his 6th one and was now getting too touchy with me, which I didn't like at all.

I was getting uncomfortable with his new attention towards me so I tried my best to keep him at a distance. I noticed that he was going for a 7th beer and I told him to maybe slow it down but he just brushed me off and told me to loosen up. I would have done just that if I hadn't noticed that Lauren was nowhere to be seen. that was not good. 

I was getting a bit worried when 10 minutes passed and I didn't see her. When I saw the smoke coming from a far corner of the room I guessed that she was getting high again with Wesley and his friends. I needed to get some air and try to calm myself because I was starting to freak out. On one side I had Chris at a point of being wasted and on the other I had Lauren probably getting high. I couldn't handle them in those states so I told Chris that I was going to the bathroom to try and get a grip of the situation. I went straight up stairs to the Stromberg bathroom since I knew that not many people would be up here. 

"Okay Camila get your self together. Just stay away from Chris as much as possible and try and find Lauren to get out of here" I told myself while looking in the mirror. 

When I got out of the bathroom I saw Chris standing outside waiting for me. I gave him a small smile and started to walk towards the stairs to go back down when I felt him grab my wrist. 

"Chris come on we have to get back downstairs you know we cannot be up here." I tell him

"Don't worry, but come with me real quick Keaton asked me to get something from one of the rooms" He replied talking my had and walking me to one of the bed rooms

I knew this didn't sound right but he was kind of drunk so I went with him. When we got to one of the bedrooms I walked in first and noticed Chris closed the door.

"Uh Chris there's no need to close the door. Now get what Keaton wanted and lets go" I say wanting to get out of here

"Hold on a sec. I also want to talk to yo a little" He says sitting down on the bed and pulling me towards him

"Chris your drunk come on" I respond trying to pull away but his grip tightens 

"No. I want to talk now and It's important" He argues and sits me down with force as he stands up. 

"Chris clam down .We can talk when you are sober" I try reasoning but it seems he wasn't having it. 

"No we are talking now." He says then pushes me against the bed and straddles me 

"Chris wha-what are you doing" I stutter out 

"I'm doing what we should have done 3 months ago" He states then forcefully kisses me  

 I tried to fight him off since he was trying to take my dress off of me and when that wasn't working I screamed but then I realized I was in a house with a party going on. No one would be able to hear me. I started to feel hopeless  and tears began to fall from my eyes when his hands started to rip my dress and dropping me roughly. I was about to blank out of this entire situation  until I heard the door being banged on and I started screaming again. 

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