Morning After.

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Chris' POV

Agh my head is killing me where the fuck am I? Why is my body hurting everywhere? Shit what happened last night? I sit up and look around me and see a girl laying next to me. Oh shit did Camila and I finally have sex? SCORE. But wait, Camila was wearing a blue dress not a white one. Fuck, no , oh please no. I didn't. As I look at the girl next to me I face palm. Shit I fucked a girl who isn't my girlfriend.

I need to get out of here and fast. I pick up me phone and call Lauren. Yeah she'll know what to do . I wait for a couple dial tones and then she finally picks up.

"Lauren, Big sis I-I need your help please" I say into the phone trying not to wake up the chick next to me

"Ha-ha, sike you got my voice mail I'll call you back when I can. Peace out"

Ah Fuck now how do I get out of here? Wesley, Keaton's brother yeah he can take me home. I get out of the bed carefully so the girl doesn't notice and grab my clothes then head towards Wesley's room.

When I walk in I see him passed out on his bed with a bong lying on the floor and the smell of weed still in the air. Last night must have been insane. I walk up to him and nudge him trying to wake him up.

"Wes dude, wake up " I say moving him

"Go away man it's Saturday" he groans still sleeping

"Dude get up I need a ride home" I say moving him again

"You got two feet use them" he replies pushing me away

"Wes it's 15 fucking blocks" I argue

"Then you should have left with your sister and your girlfriend, you dick" he says putting a pillow over his head

Wait Lauren and Camila left together last night? What the fuck? Why'd they leave me? Well since Wes isn't getting up I guess I should start walking. I think to myself then head down the stairs and leave Party Central.

Camila's POV

I woke up after hearing the countless buzzing of a phone and when I opened my eyes I was meet with Lauren's sleeping face. So last night wasn't a dream? Lauren actually slept here and on top of that she held me all night long.

I smiled as I recalled last night after the party. we had kept talking and she thinks I might not know this but I heard her singing to me so I'd fall asleep. But then I remember the party and my smile disappeared. Chris tried to rape me but Lauren got there in time. If she hadn't though I know this I would be going through a whole different thought process.  Then I start thinking about how drunk he was and how aggressive he became.  I do also remember the beating Lauren gave him and I wonder did he get home last night. I should call him, wait no Camila, What are you thinking. Chris was on the verge of raping you last night, but he was drunk. That still doesn't give him the right to do what he almost did. What was that saying about Drunk people? Oh yeah dunks and children always tell the truth and if he got that idea while drunk he must have had it in his mind for a while. 

As I was about to get out of Lauren's grip to head down stairs, I feel her tighten her hold on me and I smile again. When I looked at her I saw that her eyes were still closed, so I try again but she tightens the hold even more.

"Are you Serious?" I say out loud

"mm where do you think you're going?" I hear her say in a groggy voice and I turn to see a smile on her face.

"I was going to get breakfast but someone has vice grip on me" I tell her sarcastically making her laugh

"Oh really? well that sucks" she says opening her eyes slowly and still smiling. I love to see her smile. Wait love seriously? I think about it for a second as I look at her and I give in. Yes LOVE.

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