Trying to Survive

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Cece's POV

I know people see me as a cold hearted bitch. Since everyone at school is kind of afraid of me. I also know that I pick on Cabello the most , but when I heard Paul and Chris talk about kidnapping her and wanting to permanently hurt her; with no sense of guilt or remorse, I knew that it was wrong. That's why I backed out of their offer to join them and left.

I was driving home and on my way I couldn't stop thinking about what they were saying. How they planned on doing it, where they planned on taking her, and when they wanted to do it. I was getting sick to my stomach just thinking about what they would do to the poor girl, just because she fell in love.

I also thought about how much Chris has changed. From what I heard he was a modest kid who never got into much trouble. Yeah he would play pranks on people and maybe get into a little fight or two, but most of those fights were because he was being protective of his sister and or Camila of course. I mean they dated for a whole year. I mostly knew about him because of my ex boyfriend who was the team Captain of Chris' baseball team, but I still knew that the kid at that party was not the Chris I was told would be the most heartwarming and forgiving person you will ever meet.

I guess it was true what my grandparents always told me "tell me who you hang out with and I'll tell you just who you are" it was remarkable how just by being around Paul for the past month and a half Chris has become exactly like him. It's like the old Chris everybody talked about and loved was now gone and replaced by this monster. If I saw him this way I don't even want to imagine how Lauren sees him because that is way too disturbing.

When I finally got home I tried to get some type of sleep. It was already 2:30 am, but I couldn't sleep. Paul and Chris' plan was getting to me. If they were serious then I needed to tell someone and that someone was Lauren, but I don't know how to reach her. That's when it hit me, Wesley , he should have her number or something I mean he does hang out with her when he isn't with me.

"Wes I need your help" I text him

"babe it's almost 3 too late for a booty call" he replies

"no I need you to get me Lauren's number it's important" I text back

"I'll text you Ally's and she can also tell you where to find her" he texts back and I smile My boyfriend sure knew how to get me some answers

I mean Ally wasn't Lauren's friend but she was Camila's and that's who need to be warned. When I got the number from Wes, I immediately texted her

"Ally it's Cece from school I need to find Camila fast it's an emergency"

"What kind of emergency?" she texts back

"Life and death now where is she?" I ask

"OMG, okay um Camila is with Lauren at her beach apartment" she replies

"And where is that?" I text and in seconds she replies with the address.

I look at the time and it was now 4:30 am. Shit looks like I won't sleep tonight. To get to that address it was a semi long ass drive so if I left now I could get there at around 6 and hope that they let me in.

Lauren's POV

"So how'd you get up here? the door man knows not to let anyone up here unless I authorize" I said staring at Cece

"I let her up. Ally Forward me the text earlier and I went down stairs to get her" Taylor says

"Cece what exactly did Christopher and Paul say?" My dad asks and I know he's worried

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