Was it Over Stepping?

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Lauren's POV

Did I just admit that I've been wrong to insult her and make her cry. Shit I think I have. Quick Cover it up, do something fast; but what? I can't make her cry again I just can't do it and I won't. But what do I say to her. What can I say to her? I can't just run from this, even though I want to. She looks so shocked right now and she's also finally stopped crying. Which is good.

By the way I might have to finish Taylor off later today because she isn't getting away with making this beautifaul girl cry. I say in my head making a mental note. 

"Lauren?" I hear her finally say after some time and causing me to get back to reality. 

"Camila just leave it alone ok. Take it as an we're even" I say hoping she'll take it but I know she won't.

"No I need to know why the hell you did that out of all the people in this school. I though you'd be the first to join her in the mocking" she argues and I wince because I could feel the hurt in her words.

"Camila can we not talk about this right now, We have a class to get to" I say trying to tap into her perfect student side, but once again thats a no.

"I can care less about class right now. you are going to tell me right now and you are going to explain what the FUCK is wrong with you. One day you give in and act all nice to me then the next your the frosted bitch from Antarctica towards me. I want to know why and I want to know NOW" she shouts and I know she's mad because she usually keeps her cursing at a minimum.

"Camila" I whisper trying to get her to calm down remembering that we are still in the school bathroom. 

"Lauren I'm serious. I don't know how else to tell you that I'm sorry for everything. Si quires te lo digo en Español. Perdoname porfavor. I miss you, I miss me best friend, I miss you goofing off with me. I miss our sleep overs. I even miss watching scary movies with you even though I hate them. I miss having lazy days while we both play with Dash. I'm sorry for leaving you alone and breaking the promise I made you Freshman year. I'm sorry , just please forgive me and" I would have let her finish but once I heard her mention that she was sorry for breaking her promise I couldn't hear anymore. I grabbed her and pulled her into the tightest and longest hug I've ever given her. She finally understood Why I was truly mad at her with out me having to tell her. 

Camila's POV

Was this really happening? Is Lauren hugging me am I dreaming? Somebody please pinch me. Ok maybe I should ask for air first.

"Uh- Laur, I-I need to breath." I say hoping she'll lighten the hug.

"So-sorry" She says backing away and pushing her hair back with her hand to get it out of her face. Since when are Lauren's eyes so green and sexy? wait, what no stop Camila concentrate.

"No its-it's ok but um" I had no idea what to say now

"Camila, I-I missed you too" I hear her say as she looks at me with those eyes that seem to get lighter every tine I look at them. 

"You-you do?" I ask not believing her.

"Yeah I missed my best friend too but I-I just can't trust you the way I use to. I-I'm sorry Camila but if I can't trust you I don't know how to be friends again" she says as though it kills her to tell me those words.

"Can we at least work towards it?" I question praying that she will say yes

"I don't think so. It's just better this way" She says and I know she's lying

"You know that's complete bull Lauren" I tell her not accepting what she's saying

"What do you want from me then Camila? to act like we never ended our friendship and that you didn't crush my trust in you after all you put me through" She shouts and I know she makes a point.

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