Two Kingdoms

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A long time ago...

A Queen was pregnant. She is Queen Arianna of Corona and she is pregnant with twins. When she conceived in was in December and a full moon. The moon lights hit the Queen as she slept and got into her and reached one of the twins. When she was 6 months pregnant she was sick. 

"Help! My wife" yelled the King. They rushed her to the bed. She looked so weak and pale. The king hold his wife hand and kissed it. "I promise we will find the cure and you and the babies will be okay" he promised. The Queen gave a sickly smile and closed her eyes to weak to keep them open. The King and his guards set out to look for a magical flower who they believed has the power to heal. 

It took a few days journey until they finally reached the yellow flower. "Here it is" yelled the king as he pick it. He brought it back and put it in soup to give to his wife. He went back to her bed side. "My love your back" she weakly said. "Of course I am. Here, this will make you better" he told her. She drink the soup and just like that the power from the magic flower absorbed into her body, healing her. She woke up good as new. 

The King and Queen hugged and had a celebration for the Queen's recovery. She gave birth to two girls and named them Rapunzal and Elsa. Rapunzal had long blond hair which they could assume was because of the flower the queen had to drink when she was sick. 

One night an evil witch who wanted to stay young forever came to the castle after realizing the flower that was keeping her young is gone. When she came into the princess's bedroom she went over to Rapunzal's bed and cut a strang of her hair but then that part of hair turned brown. She realized she would have to take the whole baby to stay young forever. She put baby Rapunzal in her arms and went out of the window never to be seen again. 

The next morning Elsa was crying. The King and Queen ran into the room. "Where's Rapunzal" freaked the Queen. "I promise we will find her" promised the King. "Until then they will sent out lighteners out into the sky every year on her birthday in hope they will see their daughter again. They also decided to write to the Queen's brother and asked him to take Elsa to live in Arendelle with him and his wife. 

"Thank you for coming, brother" said the Queen given him a hug. "I will do anything for you" he told her. Queen Arianna gave baby Elsa to the King and Queen of Arendelle. "Please keep her safe" she begged. "We will" the king told her taking off in their ship back to Arendelle. 

When Elsa turned 3, the King and Queen had a daughter of their own and named her Anna.     

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