More than just the spare

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Anna POV

Spare, am I really just the spare? I'm not part of the town, not born to be queen. Just somebody hopelessly in-between. She's the scholar, athlete, poet. I'm the screw up, don't I know it. But then who could ever compare. Of course they're gonna think I'm just the spare. Well, I won't care. 

So I'm the extra button on a coat in case another one comes loose but if I have to be a button, why can't I be a button that's of use. I may lack style and I may lack grace but this little button deserves a place in the sky. This button wants to fly. Wait, buttons can't fly, it doesn't make any sense. 

So I'm a rusty horseshoe hanging up over somebody's old barn door and I'll be hanging there forever just wishing the horse had one leg more and maybe I can't be the perfect one and maybe I err on the side of fun. But horseshoes need a chance to run somewhere. This horseshoe is more than just a spare. 

Someday I'll find my thing. A thing that's all my own. That thing that makes me part of something. Not just all alone. If only all this feeling I have in my heart. Could mean something to someone, how I'd love to play that part. 

So I'm just the second-born sister who most of the town ignores. Like a button, like a horseshoe. Like a girl who's bad at metaphor's. Maybe I don't have a magic touch and maybe I don't have a talent as such. Just this heart with much too much to share so I'l never be the heir. But I'm more than just the spare. Sorry. 

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