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Here in Arendelle the winters can be...well...Let's just say it's not so very good but even at this latitude we'll keep a happy attitude. Until we burn our final piece of wood. See, there's a word we live by. To keep our feelings great. You don't have the word in English but allow me to translate. Hyggel. 

Hygga means comfortable. Hygga means cozy. Hygga means sitting by the fire with your cheeks all rosy. Hygga. Hygga means candlelight. Hygga means easy. Hygga means all together playing, how you say? Parcheesi! Finding a spider in your shoe that's not hygga. Having an annoying thing to do that's not hygga. Hygga's not scheduled. You can't see where it starts or ends. Most importantly it can't be hygge without your family and friends. My husband and our children. 

"Hygge" repeated my husband. "Now it's time to sweat" going into the sona. "I'll join you in a minute" I responded. 

Then a man and a lady walked in. 

"We need supplies. Where are your carrots? I'm going to need them all" said the man. "And...Hi sir! I was hoping you'd have a slightly less smelly, more size-appropriate winter cloak or dress or something for climbing the North Mountain?" asked the lady. 

"Something for climbing the North Mountain where many have frozen to death? Yeah! I have exactly what you need! Hygge" I told them with my Norwegian accent. "Hygge? What's hygge?" asked the lady. So I had to explain. 

"Hygge is alcohol. Hygge is eating. Hygge is gloog. Amazing stuff when you are needing heating! Hygge means you're friendly. You stop wanting to be rude. Join us for some super duper hygge in the sauna in the nude! "Hygge" said my husband. "Don't worry about your body, it's nothing I haven't seen!" I told them. "Get yourself with a branch and you'll feel nice and clean! Go get in the sauna." 

"Come on you know you wanna! First you have to dance, Now it's time to drink" I told them. Then I raised my glass and said "A toast to all our family and friends. To hygge in a storm that never ends. So let it keep going. We always have each other. The gloog is brewed. We're here, we're nude and so let's have another. My family repeated what I said. "Excuse me?" said the man. "Staving to death within a weak!" 

"Not hygge" responded my husband. "A future that's cold and dead and bleak" continued the man. "No hygge" responded my family. "He's right. We have to go" said the lady. "We have an urgent job to do." "If you can't stay here with us to hygge. Take all the hygge that you can, with you" I told them. "Hygge" repeated my family. 

"Coziest cloak, dress, and boots" I gave them to the lady. "Thanks!" she responded taking them. "You need this rope and this ax and also you need to relax. Please take this sweater I knitted and son if I may be permitted. Head my advice, I don't need to say twice. You're about to go out at the death march of ice. Take all the carrots and also that flask. For yours is a lethal and ludicrous task. If we all die! Keep this stuff as a loaner. If we survive... you owe ten thousand kroner" I told the man. 

Then a snowman said "Deal." 

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