Hans of the Southern isles part 2

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"It's a trap" yelled the Duke of Weselton. "Enough, please" yelled Hans. "What the Queen's motivations are, I cannot say but I assure you, Anna is pure and noble." "Why should we listen to you?" asked the Duke. "I'm only the thirteenth son of a king. Nor am I your leader, only her fiance but my love for her has made something clear. We can't give into fear/ Not here and not today" said Hans. "We can't know how threatening the road ahead will be but put your faith in Anna. The way that Ann put her faith in me. I can't tell you what the princess sees in me but let me tell you what an honor it would be if you could let me lead you through this time of trials. You ask for a leader, a servant responds. Trust Hans of the Southern isles." 

"But what of the cold?" asked a town's person. "What of the Queen?" asked another town's person. "What if she really is a monster" said another town's person. "Then she will be dealt with and Anna and I will lead you back to Summer" responded Hans. 

"I am more than the thirteenth son of a king" he said. "I don't believe that the Queen of your kingdom is a monster because of the powers she so happens possessed" said Queen Jasmine of Jasmine country. "Since I been here as regent for the last 3 years she has always been scared of herself and araid that she will hurt somebody." "Did you know she has powers" asked the Duke. "No I didn't, I just understand how she feel" she told him. The Duke rolled his eyes. 

"We're lucky he came along at our time of need" said a town's person. "We'll never give in to fear and treason" said a male town's person. "Let's listen to reason and follow his lead" said another town's person. Queen Jasmine walked away. "I understand because I also have powers but where I am from it is accepted. I hope when their Queen come back she can find a way to bring back Summer. I trust her. I don't trust Hans." 

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