Part 17- Graduation

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A short story

Naina fights back

Part 17- Graduation

It was a very important day, as Sameer, Naina, Preeti, Pandit, Munna, and Swathi will become graduates. Both families had arrived, and they were sitting in the hall waiting for the ceremony to start, they were very proud of them.

Naina: It feels like the gown is wearing me, I'm so small.

Sameer: But you look so cute in it

Naina: And you look like a nerd, one of those strict professors.

Naina, Pandit, Preeti, Munna, and Swathi start laughing

Sameer: Why do you like teasing me all the time?

Naina: I have a right over you Mr. Sameer Maheswari. Like when you were with Sunaina, I didn't say anything to you, so now I'm taking all the chances I get to annoy you.

Sameer: That was just a plan, to make you speak, and break down your shell.

Naina: Its so not fair, first it was that madhumakhi, and now Sunaina, why do you always make me feel like that? I wish a few boys were like that with me, then you would know how it feels.

Sameer: I did with that Sharad, I felt like killing him, he took you away from me

Naina: That was the past, and now I'm friends with Sunaina, I like her.

The principal announces for all the students to make thier way into the hall. The gang sits down in thier seats, and waves at thier family. The principal does a speech on how three years flew by with these amazing students, she becomes emotional knowing that they were going to leave college, and start a new chapter in thier lives.

Principal: Now I would like to call upon one of the best students in VJN university, not only has she excelled in her studies, but also she's made a unique way of always topping in her exams, and asignments, you know who you are, so please Naina come to the stage.

Naina shakes hands with the principal, and everyone is clapping, and whistling for her, as she has finally finshed her studies with a first class honours degree in accounting, till now no one has achieved that, but Naina did by studying all night, and she was very attentive in lessons.

Naina: They always say behind a man's sucess is a woman, but in my case it was my farther, and uncle who have always pushed me to be at the top always, I've finally made you all proud, and even made a name for myself in this college. It was tough, because I had pressure from all sides, family, love, and friends, but I managed to overcome it with the help of my sister Preeti, and best friend Swathi, thank you so much for always being there for me whenever I needed you both.

Swathi, and Preeti run up on to the stage, and hug Naina.

Preeti+Swathi: No Naina, We did this together, if you are the pillar, we are the foundation, we can never let you see you fall.

Naina: I love you both so much, you two are angels in my life.

Preeti: Now smile

Munna, Pandit, and Sameer become emotional  after hearing Naina, and the struggles she had to go through, just to reach this position. They stand up, and Sameer nods no to Naina not to cry, but smile.

Principal: Since you two are here as well, here are your certificates, do you want to say anything?

Preeti: If Naina is a topper, I'm just a passer, I'm happy that I've graduated, and I wouldn't have done it without Naina's help, she is so sweet, even if I don't understand, she will come up with a way to make it even more fun.

Swathi: I don't know how three years went by, but it was the best time I've ever had with all the ups, and downs. Naina you make everything worthwhile for us, and I'm so glad that I get to be your best friend, who always supports me in whatever I want to do.

The girls come off the stage, and the principal calls Sameer, Munna, and Pandit.

Principal: Your still Mr.fresher for all of us, Sameer how does it feel to be graduated?

Sameer: I feel over the moon, because in school I use to get 40 to 50% but now I can't believe that I got 75%. Naina used to teach me in school, and she is one of the best teachers that I had, she is so patient with me, and it's all because of her that I'm standing here, collecting my certificate.

Everyone cheers for Sameer as he made everyone happy.

Munna: I've never revised in my life, because I wasn't very fond of exams, just the pass marks, and my family would be very happy, but I don't know how I got such high marks, maybe the girls have taught us very well, and it's true what Naina said

Pandit: I'm such a cheater, I don't know why I said that, but I want to say the truth to you all, I've never payed attention in my studies because I would find it so boring, but the my friends gave me the courage to never give up on life, and Preeti would always help me, so thank you for that.

Principal: Now it's time for the photo, so I want all the students to smile, and lift your hats up, so that we have a memorable photo.

The students stand together, and do exactly what the principal says.

All the gang hugs thier families, and they are pleasantly suprised that they have all become mature now.

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