Part 24- Surprise

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A short story

Naina fights back

Part 24- Surprise

Today is Sameer, and Naina's 3rd  friend annversary. Sameer is so excited, Whilst Naina is planning a surprise for him, she is pretending not to remember, but Naina is on the phone talking to Pandit, and Munna

Naina: I was thinking of taking Sameer back to school again. Why don't you both bring Preeti, and Swathi along?

Pandit: That's a great idea, wait we have so many photos together, so let's make a poster of our memories, Me, and Munna will do that, and Preeti, and Swathi will do the decorations.

Naina: You guys are the best, I will arrange the cake, take your time, and when your done ring me, and I'll bring Sameer.

Naina disconnects the phone, turns around, and Sameer is standing there.

Sameer: Who were you talking to?

Naina: To a friend

Sameer: Why was my name mentioned?

Naina: Your not the only Sameer in the world

Sameer is noticing a slight change in the way Naina is talking, and forgets about it. Naina really wants to tell him, but she is keeping this secret to herself.

Mamaji: Naina I want to talk to you

Naina: About what?

Mamaji: Your so speacial for Sameer and you are his heartbeat, can I know what's going on?

Naina: Mamaji, today is mine and Sameer's third friend anneversaary, I want to make it speacial for him

Mamaji gives some money to Naina, so that she can buy the cake, and a gift for him.

Naina: Will you please keep Sameer distracted, Whilst I'll go and buy a few things, then will you bring Sameer to our school

Mamaji: Of course dear, it will be a day worth remembering

Naina goes outside on the bike, and decides to go to a bakery first.

Naina: Which cake does Sameer like?

There are so many cakes to choose from until she spots a choclate heart shaped cake, with a happy friend anneversaary.

Naina: Can you pack this cake for me please?

She hands him the money, and walks out of the shop. In her bag she has a photo of the gang, and decides to go to a jewellery shop to buy everyone friendship bracelets. She tells the shopkeeper to place this photo in each bracelet to make it even more special. She starts the bike up again, and reaches the school to see everyone working hard.

Naina: Hi guys

Everyone comes to hug Naina, and they place the cake on to the table.

Naina: This looks fabulous, your hardwork is shining through. Do you want me to do anything?

Munna: Will you tell us where to put the poster?

Naina: I think in the centre, so when Sameer comes, he will look at that first

Naina helps Munna, and Pandit to put the poster on. They all step back, and look at everything.

M+S+P+P+N: Perfect

Pandit: I'll ring Mamaji from the PCO, and just check everything.

Pandit comes back, and tells that Mamaji is bringing Sameer. They cover the surprise, and hide behind the stage. A car is heard, and Sameer steps out. Sameer is stunned after looking at the school because it bring alot of sweet, and sour memories for him. He starts to walk slowly.

Sameer: Where are you guys?

Everyone screams boo, and Sameer stumbles back because he is in shock

Sameer: Naina you don't remember what speacial day it is today?

Naina: Of course I do

Naina winks at everyone, and they all reveal the surprise which makes Sameer emotional.

Sameer: You guys did all of this for me?

Preeti: What did you think, we'll forget about it?

Swathi: We did all of this for you, because it's  friendship day, and the 3rd friendship annevarsary.

Everyone holds hands, and Sameer looks at the poster, which everyone made together. He goes up to it, and touches it.

Sameer: This is so beautiful, thank you so much

They cut the cake together, and smear it on thier faces. The girls didn't like it, and they chase the boys around which causes everyone to laugh. Naina remembers the gift, and runs to to the motorbike, which makes them confused.

Sameer: Where has Naina gone?

Naina: I'm back

Naina is hiding thier gifts behind her hands

Swathi: What are you hiding?

Naina gives the gifts to everyone, and they open it. Sameer, Munna, Pandit, Preeti, and Swathi begin to cry, Naina wipes thier tears.

Naina: These are tears of happiness.

They all begin to smile, and thank Naina for the friendship bracelet.

Naina: You all are my best friends no matter what relation we have, each one of you have helped me in some sort of way. It was in this school, that we got to know each other. There was friendship, and love, but you know whoever I meet, they become an important part in my life. Munna, and Pandit when Sameer wasn't here, you two encouraged me, and became my shawdow, you never gave up on me, that's why I have a special relation with you.

Preeti, and Swathi are my inspiration, a support that I can always have. Even when I don't tell them what's going on they know straight away, what I'm feeling, I'm lucky to have friends like you all.

Sameer, well what can I say about him. We started off by friendship, and we got to know each other slowly, and I realised Sameer is really sensitive, and a caring person, it's because of his love, that I got the strength to do things which I couldn't do before, so thank you so much for that, that's why I got these for you

Sameer+ Munna+ Pandit+Preeti+ Swathi: You are important for us as well. We didn't know how much importance we hold in your life, but you changed ours for the better.

They all have a group hug, and remember this day for the rest of thier lives.

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