01. Old Friend

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I sat in an old church, playing the piano. I spent a lot of time here since my father owned the church. I liked it here, even though I wasn't religious.

"Funny finding you here."

I jumped at the sound of the voice. It was Lucius Best, one of my greatest friends. He was a superhero as well, though he didn't know I was one too. I couldn't even tell my best friend I was a super.

"Lucius, didn't I tell you not to scare me?" I snapped. "It's not nice or funny."

Lucius spread his hands smiling widely. "I think it was quite funny, Luna. Don't you think, darling?"

I threw a water bottle at him. "No, it's not, Lucius."

Lucius stopped the bottle in mid-air, freezing it. "Come on, Luna. Can't take a little joke, darling?"

I glared at him before shaking my head and looking away. Lucius plucked the bottle out of the air as he walked towards me.

"Is that a smile I see?" Lucius asked, coming closer.

I shook my head, my smile growing.

Lucius came up the stairs to the stage, grinning. "I think it is, darling."

"Stop calling me darling, Lucius," I said, finally looking at him. "We aren't together. You know that."

Lucius leaned against the piano, staring at me with an odd look. "I know. Have I ever mentioned your smile is really nice?"

I glared at him again, grabbing my bag. "Stop. I don't want you flirting with me."

I headed for the door, Lucius following me. He had to jog to keep up with me. He moved in front of me and he stopped moving, making me stop in my tracks.

"I only flirt with pretty women, and you happen to be a pretty woman, Luna," Lucius said. "I'm not speaking any lies, Luna. You know this."

I stared at him squarely. "I know I'm attractive. I just don't want to be flirted with right now, Lucius. Maybe later."

Lucius grinned. "There's my girl. Want to go get dinner with me? A little outing with a friend?"

I cracked a smile. "Sure. The usual place downtown?"

Lucius's smile widened. "Of course. That's our place, remember?"

We walked out of the church. Lucius led me to his car. Lucius, being the gentleman he was, opened the passenger side door for me. I blew him a kiss as I sat down.

Lucius had a grin on his face as he walked around the front of the car. He sat down in the driver seat and started the car. We went to the restaurant we usually went to and got out of the car.

As we walked toward the entrance, Lucius wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "I'm glad you're my friend, Luna. You're a great person to be around."

I wrapped an arm around Lucius's waist. "You're a great friend too, Lucius. Even though you're off saving the world, you're always there for me. I couldn't ask for a better person to be by my side."

Lucius opened the door for me. "You put up with me, so the least I could do is put up with you."

I shoved Lucius away as we entered the restaurant. "Stop. We both know you're the absolute worst. I don't know why I stick around."

Lucius leaned in close, his face a few inches from mine. "It's because we both know you like me."

I shoved Lucius away again. "Shut up. I do not have any romantic feelings for you."

Lucius just rolled his eyes and shook his head. "One day you'll realize I'm all you've ever needed."

I hit Lucius in the arm. "Yeah right, you idiot. I'll give you five bucks if that ever happens."

Lucius leaned in close again. "I'll hold you up to that."

"I wouldn't expect anything less from the likes of you."

Lucius laughed. We were seated and served our food. The servers and cooks here knew us quite well and knew our orders well. We've even been asked if we were dating before by the staff. Of course, we denied it, but they always asked.

Lucius folded his hands on the table. "First date jitters yet?"

I laughed. "It's not the first date. You're just a friend, Lucius."

Lucius looked almost disappointed. "Yeah, I know. How's your cat?"

I scratched my head. "DJ is doing alright. She's still a little turd, but she's alright."

Lucius reached out and momentarily touched my hands. "I'm glad. She's the only cat I actually like."

I flicked his hand softly. "Of course you do. She's amazing."

Lucius and I talked for a bit longer before our food came. I dug in, paying more attention to the food than Lucius. I looked up when he cleared his throat.

Lucius grabbed a napkin and reached across the table. He wipped my face with the napkin. He pulled his hand back but his eyes lingered on my face.

I looked away. I continued eating. We continued talking until our food was finished. Lucius paid for the food and we left. We walked back to Lucius's car. He opened the door for me again.

He closed the door once I was in and walked around the car. He got in and he drove me home. It was a peaceful night. There weren't any crimes.

Lucius pulled up to my house. We got out and Lucius walked me to my door. I stood on my porch while Lucius stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking up at me.

"It was great seeing you again, Luna," Lucius said. "I like seeing your smile around."

I smiled. "Thanks, Lucius. It's nice seeing your face every once and awhile."

Lucius cracked a smile. "I'll see you around sometime, right?"

A smile appeared on my face. "Maybe. We're friends, right?"

Lucius leaned against the hand railing. "Yeah, of course. Maybe we could hang out later this week. Watch a movie or something."

I nodded. "That'd be nice. I like the movies. Hopefully, you don't get called out for work."

"That wouldn't be fun." Lucius raised a hand in farewell and started walking backward. "I'll see you around, stargazer."

"See you around, Snowcap!"

Lucius laughed as he entered his car. He winked at me as he pulled out. I smiled sadly to myself. I missed days like this. Lucius and I were best friends our entire lives. We spent a lot of time together throughout the years.

Though Lucius got more distant as his powers got stronger. He was gone more and there times where I didn't see him for weeks.

I shook my head and went inside. It was getting late and I was getting tired. I didn't want to stay up most of the night thinking about Lucius.

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