07. Legal Again?

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I ran through the tunnels of the city. The city was under attack by the infamous Underminer and it was my duty to help fight him. I knew the Incredibles and Frozone were already there.

I skidded to a stop and opened the ground. I appeared in the wake of the Underminer's destructive path. I ran towards his vehicle thing. It was thankfully made of metal and I could bend metal.

I reached out and bent one of the spirals towards the ground, effectively slowing it down. Frozone brushed pass, picking me up on his way. He dropped me off before he headed for the front.

I ran up and thrust my fists into the side. The large metal beast slowed, thanks to Frozone's help. He had helped slow it down with his ice.

Not wanting to get caught, I took off for an alley. I got far enough down before I bent down and touched my hand to the ground. The ground that had been broken healed itself.


I looked over my shoulder. It was Frozone, standing behind me. He took a few more steps closer.


"You came."

I stood up. "Of course I did. The city was in danger. It's my duty to protect it."

"You were right," Frozone said. "Luna did know what your name meant. Why'd you choose the names of those moons though?"

I shrugged. "I love space. Do I need to explain myself?"

Frozone came closer and stood a few inches from me. He knew he was scanning my face through his visor.

"You seem so familiar, Elara Callisto," Frozone said. "You have something familiar about you."

A car rushed into the alleyway. I took a few steps back and tensed. Frozone stood beside me, just as tense as me. A man came out of the car and came up to me.

"Frozone!" The man exclaimed. "Elara Callisto! You two are the greatest supers in the city!"

"What do you need?" I demanded.

"I came to make you a deal," the man said. "The city is trying the make supers like you two illegal. I don't want that to happen. I want to talk to you two about it in a safer place."

The man reached out and handed each of us a card. "I want you to meet you in my tower. I want supers like you to be legal. Please consider. If you want to talk about it, come to the address on Friday night. Try and bring the Incredibles too."

The man disappeared into his car. Frozone and I watched the car disappear before looking at each other.

"Are you going?" Frozone asked.

I shrugged. "I guess. Are you?"

"If you are."

I shrugged. "I want to be legal again."

Frozone stuck out his hand. "I'll see you there then."

I tentatively shook it. "I'll see you there."

I opened the ground below us and jumped down. I briskly walked back to my house. I wrapped my arms around myself, suddenly feeling a chill run down my spine.

I didn't know what to think about the offer the man made. I wanted supers to be legal, to finally do what I loved. Lucius was going to be there, which was going to be fun.

I arrived home and emerged from the tunnels. I went upstairs and shed my suit. I put my suit away, yawning. I set my container to the side and looked into the mirror. My hair was crazy and there was dirt in it.

I had some dirt on my face and any skin that wasn't covered by my suit. I looked like a mess. I got up and went into my bathroom to take a shower.

I had just gotten out and changed when I heard a knock on the door. I went downstairs and opened the door. Lucius stood there, looking fresh. He looked happy.

"Hey, Luna," Lucius greeted. "May I come in?"

I nodded, smiling. "Hey. Yes, you can."

Lucius came inside and sat on the couch. I closed the door and sat beside him.

"I heard about the attack?" I said. "How was it?"

Lucius smiled softly. "It was tough, like fighting crime usually is. I got away from the police though I can't say the same for the Parrs."

I was shocked. "What happened?"

"They were inside the Underminer's vehicle thing when I stopped it," Lucius replied. "They couldn't get away in time and the police caught them. They luckily didn't catch me."

I placed a hand on Lucius's thigh. "That's nice. Did anything else happen?"

"Yeah," Lucius said. "I ran into Elara Callisto again and we met some guy who said he could make supers legal again."

I gasped, faking surprise. "That's amazing, Lucius! Did you accept the offer?"

Lucius nodded. "Of course. I want to be legal again. I want to help the people without being afraid of caught by the police."

I placed a hand on Lucius's shoulder. "I couldn't agree with you. I don't want you to end up in prison. I wouldn't know what I'd do without my best friend."

Lucius took my hand. "I agree, Luna."

"I know," I said. "I'm always right."

Lucius gave me a bittersweet smile. "I know, though you're quite blind."

"No, I'm not."

Lucius chuckled. "Yes, you are, darling."

I shoved Lucius away. "I'm not, Lucius. I'm not blind."

Lucius leaned in and my heart rate increased. Lucius scanned my face and he smiled. He leaned back, chuckling.

Lucius stood up. "I have to go. I have a meeting to attend. I'll see you around, my darling."

I smiled at him. "I'll see you around, Lucius."

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