10. Love Me

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I walked through the Deavor Tower, dressed in my suit. Winston walked beside me, talking about all the things he has planned for Helen and I. I listened quietly, taking in all the information.

He took me to a room. Elastigirl was sitting on the couch. She stood up when she saw us.

Elastigirl shook my hand. "It's good to see you, old friend."

"And to you, mi amiga," I said.

Elastigirl nodded. Winston continued talking. He eventually led us into another room with a bunch of other supers. I talked to all of them and I was more interested in Voyd. She was interesting and awkward, which I liked.

After a long day, I returned home. I was cooking myself some food when I heard the door open. I was on edge as I grabbed a knife. I went into the main room and saw Lucius.

He smiled his usually dorky smile and spread his hands. "What's the knife for, darling? It's just me."

I sighed, going back to the kitchen. "You're impossible, Lucius. You scare me sometimes."

Lucius joined me in the kitchen. "I don't mean to, darling. You know that."

I shook my head as I stirred the pot. "I still hate it."

Lucius came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I know and I apologize."

I smiled as I tried to push Lucius away. "I accept your apology, Lucius. Now can you please let go of me."

Lucius pulled away but didn't go too far. He leaned up against the counter and watched me cook. As I was putting the food on the plate, he came up behind me and kissed my neck. I giggled and pulled away.

Lucius grabbed his plate and joined me at the table. We ate and talked. Lucius told me what happened with Winston Dever, though I know full well what happened. I listened quietly as I ate my food.

When we finished eating, Lucius and I went into the living room. We sat down and Lucius wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I cuddled up against him and closed my eyes. Lucius gently kissed my head.

"You're my darling, Luna," Lucius murmured. "I want you to stick around for a while."

I looked Lucius in the face. "I will, Lucius because you're my person."

Lucius smiled and placed his forehead against mine. He placed a hand on my cheek as his lips brushed mine. Our gaze met. I could see Lucius wanted to kiss me so badly. I took the first step and kissed him.

Lucius kissed me tenderly. He seemed almost hesitant to do so but I placed a hand on the back of his neck. I pushed a little harder and got the same results from Lucius.

I pulled away and stared into Lucius's eyes. "I didn't know you felt the same."

"I've always felt this way, Luna," Lucius murmured. "Always. Ever since I met you, I've loved you."

My phone started ringing. I sighed and got up, answering it.

"Hey, Luna," Bob answered. "This is Bob. Is Lucius there? I tried calling his house but he wouldn't answer."

"Yeah, he is." I pulled the phone away from my ear a little bit. "Lucius, it's Bob. He needs you for something."

Lucius for up and came to take the phone. "Yes, Bob?"

I heard Bob say something but I couldn't make it. Lucius replied and hung up the phone.

He sighed and looked up at me. "Luna, I have to go. Bob needs me to watch the kids. He has to go save Helen from something."

I nodded understandingly. "It's alright, Lucius. I get it. You go be a hero."

"I'm sorry about ruining the moment," Lucius said. "I didn't mean to."

I smiled and shrugged. "It's alright, Lu. I'm sure we'll have another moment later. Go. I'll be fine."

Lucius nodded. "I'll see you later."

Lucius left and I ran upstairs. I threw on my suit and ran downstairs. I went to my celled and into the tunnels. I was going to help Lucius watch the kids. I needed to do this.

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