06. Who is the New Super?

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Lucius came into my house and I closed the door. He stormed into my house and paced around.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Do you know what the meaning of Elara Callisto means?" Lucius asked.

"Well, Elara and Callisto are the names of two of the moons of Jupiter," I replied. "Why do you ask?"

"That earthbending super I told you about?" Lucius said. "She goes by the name of Elara Callisto. She told me to ask you about."

I grabbed Lucius's arm. "Sit down before you wear my floors. Why are you so mad, Lucius?"

Lucius sat down with me at his side. "She's so frustrating! She knows who I am but I don't know who she is. There's something so familiar about her though."

"How so?"

Lucius ran his hands over his head. "I don't know how to explain it. Her voice sounds so familiar but I don't know who it is! She knew who you and I are. I don't know how that's possible."

I rubbed Lucius's shoulder. "It's going to be alright, Lucius. It's going to play out just fine. There's no need to worry about it."

Lucius looked at me. "Do you know who I'm talking about? This mysterious Elara Callisto?"

I shook my head. "I have no idea. I've never met someone who has that name."

"You know a lot about space though," Lucius said.

"I'm an astrophysicist, Lucius!" I exclaimed. "It's my job, for God's sake!"

Lucius grabbed my hand and squeezed. "We'll figure this out, Luna. I really want to know who this Elara Callisto is."

I squeezed his hand in return. "I know you do and I see it's frustrating you. We'll figure it out, Lucius."

Lucius nodded. "Thanks for understanding and being there for me, Luna. You're an amazing friend."

I smiled at him. "Well, let's get your mind off Elara, okay? Let's do something."

"Like what?" Lucius inquired.

I grinned. "Let's go for a walk."


Lucius and I walked down the pathway in a nearby park. Our shoulders brushed as we walked. We talked and laughed as we wandered the park.

We eventually found a park bench to sit on. I rested my head against Lucius's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"I like walks," I said.

"Me too," Lucius said. "Especially with you."

I giggled, covering my mouth. "Lucius! You compliment me."

Lucius smiled at me and squeezed my shoulders. "It's because you're my best friend and you're beautiful."

I laughed some more. "You're too nice, Lucius. I love being your friend."

"I love you, Luna."

I looked over at Lucius, confused. He was looking at me so truthfully. Lucius actually meant it.

"Really?" I asked.

Lucius nodded. "Of course. You're my absolute best friend and I'd give the world to you."

If he only knew that I felt the exact same. I liked Lucius a lot. I really, truly did. I couldn't tell him. Not now at least. I was not ready to tell Lucius I liked him.

I was an adult, I told myself. I should be able to do this kind of stuff. But I had anxiety. I didn't know how to tell Lucius. When I was ready, I would tell him.

Lucius and I eventually left the park and Lucius took me back home. When we got back to my house, he walked me to my front door. I unlocked the door and turned to Lucius.

"Thanks for today, Lucius," I said. "I really appreciated it."

Lucius smirked and shook his head, chuckling. "It's nothing, Luna. I like doing things like this with you. You're an amazing person to be around. You really bring light to my life."

I smiled and giggled. "Thank you, Lucius. You compliment me. You make me smile more than anyone else. I like that about you."

Lucius nodded, still smiling. "I want you to know, Luna, I really care about you."

"I care about you too."

Before he left, Lucius leaned in and kissed my cheek. I blushed and entered my house. I closed the door behind me and leaned against it. My fingers brushed against the spot on my cheek where Lucius had kissed me. Nothing like that had happened to me before. I was surprised.

I went upstairs and changed clothes, still smiling like an idiot. My face was beginning to hurt my face but I didn't care. Lucius had kissed me on the cheek.

As I laid on my bed, I thought about what Lucius had done. I liked him, I really did. Lucius was hella attractive and I guess I always found him that way. Every time I saw Lucius, my heart beat faster and I laughed more. I wondered if he felt the same. I would sadly never know.

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