09. Friend Talk

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I walked into my house. I ditched my jacket on the floor and went to make myself some dinner. After I finished, I got onto my counter and sat crosslegged.

I had finished eating when I heard a knock on the door. I was expecting it to be Lucius but it was Helen. She smiled at me.

"Hello, Luna," Helen greeted. "Can I come in?"

"Of course," I said, stepping aside. "A friend like yourself is always welcome here."

Helen came in and sat on the couch. "I wanted to talk to you about the offer Winston made."

I sat beside Helen. "Of course. What are you thinking?"

"I like it. It's refreshing, you know? To finally be in the limelight and not be on the sidelines." Helen took a deep breath. "I feel empowered to finally be the top dog instead of the other heroes. Including Bob."

"Me too," I replied. "I like being on top. I've always been competitive against others. I can't wait to show off my talents."

"I think that was brave of you to stand up to Evelyn like that," Helen said. "I wouldn't be able to do that."

I met Helen's gaze. "I like my suit the way it is. It gives me flexibility and I can move around with it. I feel like Evelyn would give me something tighter and uncomfortable. My suit is just how I like it. Loose and comfy."

"I've always liked my suits tight, I guess," Helen replied. "I like the new upgrade though. Evelyn can see what we're seeing with cameras and can talk to us. It's nice."

"I like that too," I said. "I just don't need a suit change. Earthbenders can change just like the earth does, but we stay stronger in who we are. We're stubborn but move easily."

"Weren't you a gymnast?" Helen asked.

I nodded. "A gymnast, a cheerleader, a ballerina, and I was trained in martial arts."

Helen looked surprised. "Wow. You're really good, aren't you? And how come I didn't know all this?"

I shrugged. "I guess I just didn't tell you. I was really good at all of them. Went to championships and competitions for all of them."

"I think that's really cool," Helen said. "What belt were you in martial arts?"

I grinned. "Black belt. I was the best in my class. I wanted to learn how to protect myself. Jujitsu and judo were easy ways to do it."

"Could you teach Violet sometime?" Helen asked. "I think it'd be good for her."

I nodded. "Of course. She might not like being thrown around a lot but she'll learn. I learned that way."

"Good," Helen said. "I want Violet to be safe and know how to protect herself."

"A woman should always know how to protect herself," I said. "It's necessary in a world like this."

Helen nodded. "I agree. I think we're going to be on the top of our game now we made the deal with Winston."

I grinned. "That's the best part too. We can finally show who's boss around these parts."

Helen laughed. "I'm glad you're my friend, Luna. You're one of the only people I can trust."

I smiled. "I know."

Helen and I talked for hours until she had to go home. I went up to my room and changed clothes. I laid down in my bed and stared at the roof. I couldn't wait to meet with Evelyn and Winston.

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