08. Offer for the Women

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*This is Luna's suit. She's wearing a dark green mask to hide her identity. This is not what Luna looks like, as Luna is Korean*

I used my car to travel to the Deavor Tower, where I was meeting Winston Deaver, the man who was going to make supers legal.

I found a spot to park near the building and got out of my car. I made sure I was inside the building and away from sight before I put my suit on.

I looked in the mirror. My suit had earthy colors to it. There was a pair of green pants and a white shirt, a light green over piece covering it. A dark green belt with gold held the cover piece on. I had matching dark green and gold arm guards on. I had a pair of black and white boots. I looked like a boss.

I slid my mask on before I left. I didn't want anyone to know my identity. Not even Lucius, my greatest friend.

I left the bathroom and marched myself up to Winston's room. When I got there, Lucius was already there talking to Winston. They both looked at me when I stepped in.

"Elara Callisto!" Winston exclaimed, coming over to me. He placed his hand behind my back and walked us over to Lucius. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you. You are an earthbender, correct?"

I nodded, walking with Winston. "Yes, I am."

"You're the only earthbender I've ever known or heard of," Winston said. "Are there many of you?"

"Yes, there are," I answered. "Now I know you didn't call me here to talk about benders."

"No, I didn't." Winston handed me a badge. "You're going to need this. We're going to wait until Elastigirl and Mr. Incredible arrive before we start. I'm going to find my sister so I'm going to leave you with Frozone. I can assure you won't get into too much trouble."

"I'm an adult, Winston," I said, "not a child. You can trust me."

Winston nodded and left, leaving Frozone and me alone. I looked Frozone square in the eye.

Lucius smirked. "It's nice to see you again, Elara. You look fantastic."

I took a deep breath and raised my chin. "As do you, Lucius."

Frozone grinned. "You're too kind, Elara. How do you know my non-super name?"

I shrugged. "I do my research."

"I did my research on you and I couldn't find much," Lucius said. "I found that there were rumors of other benders like you. Is that true?"

I nodded. "Yes, there is. I came from a family of benders."

"Strictly earthbenders or benders of all kinds?" Frozone asked.

Before I could answer, Winston came into the room with a woman. She looked worn out and tired. Though she looked nice, something about her threw me off.

"This is my sister, Evelyn," Winston introduced. "She's my assistant here. Evelyn, you already know Elara Callisto and Frozone."

"Of course," Evelyn replied. "I'm sure Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl are coming soon"

"I sent a car for them," Winston said. "They should be here anytime soon."

At that moment, Elastigirl and Mr. Incredible walked in. Elastigirl was in her original, non-Incredible suit. Elastigirl met my gaze and smiled at me. The whole Incredible family knew my true identity but promised not to tell Lucius.

"Please, sit down, guys and gals," Winston said. "We have a lot to discuss. Particularly about Elara Callisto and Elastigirl."

"What about us?" I asked.

"You two are on the top of your game," Winston said. "You are some of the strongest supers out there. We want to put you two forward to fight crime."

"What about me?" Mr. Incredible asked.

"Not everything is about you, Mr. Incredible," I snapped. "Let us women rule the world for once. It'll turn out better than if you did."

"Elara is right," Winston said. "Women are strong. Much strong than men. Elastigirl, Elara, I want you to be our top supers. My sister and I want you two to be the top dogs."

"Finally," Elastigirl said.

"Leave the saving up to the men?" I said, looking at Elastigirl with a smirk. "I don't think so!"

"That's my line!" Elastigirl exclaimed.

I laughed. "I'm kidding, Elastigirl. You know how I love a good joke."

Elastigirl placed a hand on my shoulder. "I know, old friend."

"Now the moment is over," Winston said, "Evelyn, my sister, has some information for you guys."

Evelyn went into this whole speech on how she was going to help us - Elastigirl and I - to save the city. She said women like us were the future and Evelyn was going to push us more forward than Mr. Incredible and Frozone.

"Elara, Elastigirl, if you two could come back in later this week, that would be nice," Winston said. "We could talk more in-depth with our plan. Can you do that?"

I nodded. "That sounds like a plan to me. Elastigirl, sound like a plan?"

Elastigirl nodded. "Sounds good to me. I'll be there."

"Great!" Winston exclaimed. "Evelyn, anything else?"

"I had some new ideas for your suits," Evelyn said. "Something more high tech and up to date. I already have suits for both of you."

"I'm fine with my suit," I said. "I don't want to change anything about mine. Thanks anyway."

Evelyn gave me a look. "The suit I made you is way better than the one you have. It was more technology and cameras so I can see what you're doing in real time."

"You can give me the technology and I can keep the suit," I said. "That or nothing at all. I'm not changing my suit."

"Why are you so stubborn?" Evelyn asked. "You can't keep up with the times."

"I do," I said. "I have trackers to keep up the crimes. I am up to date. I'm stubborn because I am an earthbender. Earthbenders are typically as stubborn as the earth itself. I'm not changing anytime soon."

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