02. Getting Ready

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I sat in my garden, caring for my plants. I had earth-based powers, so growing plants and flowers came easily to me. I loved growing flowers more than growing plants, though I had a few fruits and berry plants.

I had a few apple and peach trees in the back part of my yard. I had a few blue, black, and raspberry bushes against the fence. In the center of my yard was a flower bed full of flowers. The flowers were all the colors of the rainbows.

I felt vibrations through the earth. Someone was in my house. I stood up quickly and looked behind me, screwdriver in hand. By the way the footsteps felt, it seemed like Lucius was here. Those were definitely his footsteps.

I ripped off my gloves and dumped them with the screwdriver on the table outside. I opened the door as silently as possible and slipped inside. I was going to get Lucius back for scaring me the night before.

I felt him moving around in the kitchen. I found him looking around the fridge. I leaned against the door frame, grinning.

"Funny finding you here," I commented.

Lucius jumped, hitting his head on the edge of the fridge. He groaned and rubbed his head, looking at me.

"Dammit, Luna," Lucius said, closing the fridge door. "Why did you have to scare me like that?"

I smiled. "I had to get you back. You know how I love a good old fashion payback."

Lucius glared at me. "That's why I don't challenge you to a prank war anymore. I learned my lesson."

I walked farther into the kitchen and hopped on a counter. "I sure hope so. You should've known well before that I'm the queen of pranks."

Lucius leaned against the counter across from me. "I know. I never should've doubted the one and only Luna."

I grinned, leaning back. "You never should've doubted me in the first place, Lucius."

Lucius smiled bittersweetly. "Of course. Are you busy tonight?"

I looked down at my hands for a moment. "I don't think so. Why?"

"Bob is having a gathering of friends," Lucius said. "I thought you'd want to come."

"Sure," I said. "It would give me a chance to get out of the house."

Lucius stared at me. "That'd be nice. It's always good to get out and see some friends."

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"A club," Lucius answered. "You might want to dress up. It's going to be a party night."

I grinned like a maniac. "Great! When are we heading out?"

Lucius checked his watch. "At 7:00."

I looked at my clock. "So in three hours? You should've told earlier!" I hopped off the counter. "I need to get ready."

I ran upstairs. Lucius followed me slowly, yelling at me to slow down. I ran into my room and flung up my closet door. I was scanning over my clothes when Lucius walked in.

"You really need three hours to get ready?" Lucius asked.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Lucius leaning against the doorway. "I guess. I have to get dressed, do my hair, everything. You guys don't have to do that. All you have to do is through a pair of pants, a clean shirt, and a nice jacket on to look nice."

I grabbed a dark and a light green dress. I turned around and showed Lucius.

"What do you think?" I asked.

Lucius looked flabbergasted. "I don't know. I think both will great on you."

I looked down at the dresses. "Actually, I'm not feeling dresses."

I whipped around and tossed the dresses back on the rack. I grabbed a pair of pants and a shirt. I turned and tossed them on my bed.

I looked at Lucius. "Can you leave? I need to get dressed."

Lucius nodded, stepping back. "Of course."

Lucius closed the door and I slipped my pants off. I slipped the new pair on and I traded the shirt I had on for the new one.

 I slipped the new pair on and I traded the shirt I had on for the new one

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I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked snazzy. I grabbed a container that had my super suit in it. I had gotten some great technology to hide my super suit from a friend of mine. She made it so my suit was tightly packed into a container and whenever I opened it, my suit sprung out and I could put it on easily.

I slipped it into my pocket and sat down to do my hair. My hair was frizzy and hard to tame sometimes.

Lucius knocked on the door. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah," I called out. "I'm dressed now."

Lucius came in and sat on the edge of my bed. "Luna, are you single?"

I ran my hair through my hair, thinking of ideas for styles. "Yeah. Why do you ask?"

I saw Lucius shrug in the mirror.

"Just curious," Lucius responded. "A beautiful woman like you should have many admirers."

I grinned. "Are you one of them?"

Lucius smiled mischievously. "Maybe. You're beautiful."

"And you're handsome, Lucius," I shot back. "Why aren't you married?"

Lucius smiled faintly, almost sadly. "I want to find the perfect one. I want her to be amazing. She has the one I want to be with."

I threw my hair up into a bun. "I guess the same goes for me. I want someone who's just as sassy and sarcastic as I am too. I don't want someone who'll get mad at me if I'm too sassy."

Lucius leaned forward. "That's a good thing to tell the man you date."

I opened my makeup bag and shuffled through it. "I'm also planning on telling them I don't do the whole sex thing."

"What do you mean?"

I uncapped a deep red lipstick. "I'm an asexual, Lucius." I applied the lipstick to my lips. "It means I don't feel sexual attraction. I feel romantic attraction instead, which is way nicer in my opinion. It's less distracting."

I glanced at Lucius through the mirror. He had an odd expression on his face, one I couldn't quite read. I went back to applying makeup. I wanted to look my best while out on the town.

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