05. Attack

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I pressed play on my radio and immediately smiled. Respect by Aretha Franklin, my favorite song, came on. I started dancing along. I loved Aretha Franklin. She was just an amazing singer and I absolutely loved her music.

Lucius joined in, laughing along with me. Lucius grabbed my hand and spun me around. I laughed as he pulled me closer. Lucius and I danced together as the radio played. We rocked side to side. Lucius grabbed my hand and spun me around. He pulled me close and leaned in. His lips almost brushed mine, but he didn't actually kiss me.

Lucius pulled away and we continued dancing. We danced until we couldn't anymore. We collapsed on my bed. The music continued playing but I drowned it out. I only paid attention to Lucius as I laid next to him.

We talked for hours before Lucius had to go home. I said goodbye to him as he walked out the front door. I closed the door behind him and went upstairs. I opened my closet door and ran my fingers over the clothes inside.

Most of them had earthy tones to them. A majority of my clothes ranged from dark browns and greens to light browns and light greens. I loved the colors of the earth. I came from a long line of benders. Both of my parents were earth benders.

All of my extended family were benders too. Benders of all kinds. There were fire, water, and air as well as earth benders. My family included all of them.

I didn't know of many benders outside of my family. Of course, there were some but they were spread out across the world.

I picked out a brown leather jacket and ran my fingers over it. It was my mother's. She gave it to me when I moved out. It was very comforting to wear it.

I put the jacket back and closed the closet door. I laid down in bed and sighed. I was tired of being around people, even though I've only been around Lucius.

I rolled to my side and closed my eyes. It was late and I was tired. I didn't want to stay up too long. I had work in the morning.

I woke up to my alarm and I sat up. I turned off my alarm. I got up to change. I got changed and left to go to work.

*Later that night*

I returned home late. I dumped my bags by the front door. I shrugged off my jacket and left it by the door too. I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I pulled out a deli sandwich and unwrapped it.

I climbed atop a counter and crossed my legs. I ate my sandwich in silence, thinking. I had heard on the radio about a rise in crime in the city. That means more run-ins with Lucius.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard beeping. I shot up and raced to my desk. My crime alert was going crazy.

I grabbed my container and opened it. I got into my suit and ran out into my basement. The door to the underground tunnels was down there.

I raced through the tunnels, following my device. I skidded to a halt underneath it. I opened the ground and climbed out. There was a large metal robot close by.

Of course, Frozone and the Incredibles were already there. I raced to join them and lifted a large rock into the air, throwing it at the robot. It put quite the dent into the outside.

I made quick eye contact with Frozone. I knew he recognized me. I turned away and raised another rock into the air. I sent it at the robot's head. It knocked the robot back, sending it to the ground. The fight had ended.

Before the police came, I kneeled down and touched the pavement with my fingertips. The holes in the ground healed. I didn't want to cause any more damage to the city.

I heard the sirens in the distance. I bolted for an alley. When I was halfway down, I heard someone call. I stopped and turned around. It was Frozone.

He jogged to catch up with me. "Hey, nice work out there. You did great."

"Thanks," I said, crossing my arms. "You did too."

"What's your name?" Frozone asked. He held out his hand. "I'm Frozone."

I glanced at his hand, refusing to take it. "I know who you are. I'm Elara Callisto."

Frozone dropped his hand. "Is that your actual, non-super name?"

I shook my head. "It's not."

I saw cop cars stop in front of the alleyway. "Cops behind you. Better get out of here. Don't want to get caught, do you?"

Frozone nodded. "Alright. Thanks again. You really helped. See you in the next fight?"

I shrugged. "Maybe."

I started walking away with a quick pace. I was almost at the exit of the alley when I heard Frozone call out from behind me.

"Who are you?" Frozone called out. "Who are you really? And what does your name really mean?"

I stopped and looked over my shoulder. "Ask your friend who loves the stars, Lucius. She would know. And if I told you the meaning of my name, you wouldn't spend some time with her, which she wants. Trust me, Lucius."

I disappeared around the corner. I got into the underground tunnels and returned home. I knew Lucius would be at my house at some point today and I needed to be there before he showed up.

I got to my cellar and went upstairs. I changed into different clothes and put my suit away. I was brushing out my hair, trying to get the tangles and dirt out when I heard the doorbell ring.

I put my brush down and went downstairs. I opened the door and Lucius stood there, already changed into regular clothes.

Lucius was panting and had a dark look on his face. "I need to talk to you about something."

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