11. Taken

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I climbed out of the tunnels and got there just as Lucius pulled up. I waited for him to get out his car before walking to the door. There were already a group of supers trying to get inside.

"Ready, Elara?" Frozone murmured.

"Of course," I said, rolling my shoulders, my joints popping.

"Isn't that redundant?" Frozone interrupted, causing the group to look at us. They had terrifying goggles on. "The Deavors just sent us two to watch over the house."

Frozone and I brushed through the group. Frozone stood at the door while I started ushering the kids back.

"Well, Miss, I believe it's time you guys go," Frozone said. "Elara Callisto and I have it from here."

Voyd bared her teeth. "It's Voyd."

"Well, Miss Voyd, we'll see you around," Frozone said, closing the door.

Voyd caught the door. "See, Deavor sent us to get you too."

Frozone shrugged and slammed the door, freezing it shut. I headed for the back door with Frozone and the kids, but one of the other supers were there. He lit up with electricity. Violet and Dash screamed and ran for another exit.

Another super got in and stopped us. I pulled some stone from a wall and threw it at him. Dash started running with Jack-Jack but got sent through one of Voyd's portals. Voyd came through one of her portals and growled at Dash.

Violet surrounded herself and her brothers in a force field but one of the supers started crushing them. I screamed and sent metal disks flying at him. He raised an arm to protect himself and effectively stopped attacking the kids.

The biggest super grabbed Frozone and started squeezing him. I sent flying disks at him too. They landed in his arms and he dropped Frozone.

Just then, Mr. Incridible's old car came crashing through the walls.

"Incridimobial, roll windows down!" I screamed. "Kids, get in!"

The kids climbed. I fought my way over to the car, trying to keep the evil supers away from the kids.

"Kids, identify yourselves!" I said as I threw metal shrapnel the electrifying super.

The giant super grabbed a hold of Frozone again. I knew it was a lost cause, even though I didn't want to leave Frozone behind. I climbed into the car with the kids, though my heart was against it.

I saw the evil supers put those wretched goggles on Lucius. He slumped over. After a moment, he lifted his head and screamed. My heart pounded in fear as the car raced off. My beloved Lucius was taken.

After a while of driving, I commanded the car to pull over. I sat there, shaking and breathing heavily. I rested my head against the headrest.

"Luna, what was that?" Dash asked timidly.

I took a shaky breath. "I don't know."

"We don't Uncle Lucius or our parents, Luna," Violet said. "We don't have anyone besides you. What do we do?"

I took a deep breath, clearing my mind. "We have to go save them. You guys in?"

"Of course!" Dash explained. "Let's go!"

The car took off. It didn't take long to get to the sea but the ship had already taken off.

"We're too late," Violet said sadly.

"No, we're not." I pressed the submarine button. "We're taking the car with us."

"You've driven Dad's car before?" Dash asked as the car reversed.

"Of course," I said as the car speed towards the water. "I've known your dad for longer than you've been alive. I've stolen his car a couple times."

The car dove into the water before water before Dash could answer. It took off towards the boat. My heart was in my throat. I couldn't help but keep thinking of Lucius but I had to pay attention to now.

We pulled alongside to the boat. I gripped the steering wheel.

"Get ready, kids." I pressed the eject button. "We're getting a bit of fresh air."

We shot into the air and landed on the deck. I ushered the kids into a hidden room.

I calmed myself. "We have to find your parents and Lucius. We can only assume your parents have the goggles on too. Violet, I need you to come with me. Dash, watch over Jack-Jack." When Dash started to object, I cut him off. "This is for your parents, Dash. You need to watch over your brother. Stay here. Violet, let's go."

Violet and I left. I marched down the hallways, using the metal in the ship to find my way around. Violet jogged to keep up.

"Do you know where you're going?" Violet asked.

"Depends," I said as I turned the corner. "There's a whole lot of metal on this ship and it's a good thing I'm an earthbender."

"I'm glad for that," Violet muttered under her breath.

"Me too."

A portal appeared and Voyd stepped through. She sneered at us, showing her teeth. I got into defensive mode and raised my fists.

"Ready, Violet?" I asked, repeating Lucius's words.

"Of course," Violet answered.

Voyd launched at us. I grabbed her arms and threw her to the ground. Violet put a force field over Voyd but she just opened another portal and got out. Voyd transported me away from her and Violet.

Voyd shoved Violet against the wall and grabbed a pair of goggles. I screamed and threw metal disks at Voyd. They wrapped around Voyd's wrists and dragged her backward.

"Violet, run!" I yelled. "Get Dash and Jack-Jack! I got this."

Violet ran behind me and disappeared through the door. Voyd struggled against her restraints. She couldn't make any portals.

I marched up to Voyd and stood face to face with her. Voyd tried to kick out but I grabbed her foot. I twisted it and pressed her leg against her body.

"You can't stop us," Voyd growled. "We're too powerful."

I twisted Voyd's leg, causing her to wince. "I think you forget, Voyd or however you are. I'm Elara Callisto, earthbender and warrior. I will win. Good always does."

I stepped back and put metal bands around Voyd's legs. I turned and walked away. Voyd yelled at me to come back but I ignored her. I had to find Lucius and save him. After our kiss, I wouldn't let him go bad on me.

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