03. Night Out

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I ducked around in my closet, looking for the right pair of shoes. I settled for a pair of black heels. I grabbed them and joined Lucius downstairs.

I slipped them on as I got to the last step. Lucius looked up from his spot on the couch and looked stunned. He sat up and checked me out.

"Damn, Luna," Lucius muttered. "You're looking stellar."

I blushed. "Thanks, Lucius. You're looking quite handsome yourself."

Lucius grinned and stood up. "Not nearly as attractive as you, darling. Are you ready?"

I nodded. Lucius came over and smiled down at me. He offered his arm and I slipped mine into his. He walked me out to his car and opened the door for me.

I sat down. "You're such a gentleman, Lucius."

Lucius grinned. "I know. Only to women like yourself."

I smacked him in the leg with my clutch. "Shut up and get in the car."

Lucius winked at me. "Yes, ma'am."

He got in the car and we were off. I stared out the window as we headed for downtown. We arrived at the club and I got out of the car. I waited for Lucius to join me before heading to the club. I slipped my arm into Lucius's as we walked.

We got to the club and spotted Bob Parr immediately. I pointed him out to Lucius and we headed over to where Bob was sitting. Before we got to Bob, Helen showed up and sat beside Bob.

I tossed my arms around Helen's shoulders. "Hello, dear friend."

Helen stiffened, but relaxed when she realized it was me. "Oh, hello, Luna. You scared me."

I laughed, sitting in the chair beside Helen. "I know. How have you been?"

"I'm good," Helen replied. "The children are doing fine too. It's nice to have a double date though."

I looked at Helen, confused. "Lucius and I aren't a couple."

Helen patted my shoulder. "Not yet, Luna, not yet."

"Luna!" Bob exclaimed, slapping me on the back. "I'll get you drinks. You still like anything raspberry, right?"

I nodded. "Of course, Bob."

Bob smiled widely and ordered a round of raspberry vodkas. I grabbed a shot and downed it. I plucked another and downed it quickly.

Soon I filled with liquid confidence and my favorite song came on. I looked over at Lucius. He was slowly sipping a drink and looking lonely. Bob and Helen had disappeared a while ago.

I stood up and grabbed Lucius's hand. He tried to pull away but I wouldn't let him go. I dragged him to the dance floor and pressed myself against him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and started dancing to the beat.

Lucius grinned and placed his hands on my hips, singing along with me. I felt great, dancing with Lucius. He was quite the good dancer.

He grabbed my hand and twirled me around. I laughed as he pulled me closer. Wrapping my arms around Lucius's neck, I pressed myself against him again.

Somehow, I ended up with my back to Lucius and we were grinding. The song had changed several times and I was covered in sweat.

It was hours later when Lucius and I stumbled out of the club. The alcohol had worn off already and I was mostly sober.

I was walking back with Lucius, hand in hand, when I heard a buzz. It was Lucius, getting a call. He had to go do some superhero stuff.

Lucius looked at me sadly. "I'm sorry, Luna. I have to go help."

I swallowed. "I understand. Go, save somebody. It's your job."

Lucius started backing up. He tossed me his keys. "I'll pick up my car tomorrow, alright?"

I nodded. "Got it. See you tomorrow."

Lucius nodded before taking off. I ducked into a nearby alley and pulled out the container with my suit. I opened it and I was in my suit.

I took off after Lucius, following my own device. I got to the scene in no time. There was the villain, an ugly rat looking man on a platform. He was yelling things he would do at the small crowd of late night wanderers.

I caught a glimpse of Lucius, better known as Frozone, in the crowds. I focused, opening a hole in the ground. I allowed myself to get swallowed by the earth.

Walking through dark and damp tunnels, I found myself underneath the villain. From what I could tell, Frozone and Bob - Mr. Incredible - were trying their hardest to fight against the villain. They weren't doing so well.

I took a deep breath and burst out of the ground. I grabbed the pole of the platform and squeezed. The metal crumpled and the man fell. Frozone caught him before he could land.

I lifted two large boulders and moved them above the villain. Frozone came and stood by my side.

"You're a new face," Frozone commented. "Who are you?"

I kept my gaze on the man in front of me. "Elara Callisto."

The villain stood up and threw something at us. I dropped a dropped a boulder in front of us to block it. I leaped over the boulder and sent a metal disk at my opponent.

He dodged it easily, sending a grenade at me. I stopped in mid-air. I sent it flying into the air so it didn't hit anyone or anything.

Mr. Incridible came and tackled the villain to the ground, punching him repeatedly. Soon the man was down and was too weak to move.

The police came and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Frozone take off. I took off towards Lucius's car. It was still illegal to be super.

As I got closer, I pulled the keys out of my pocket. I unlocked the doors and got in the driver's seat and headed home.

I parked on the side of the road and locked the car when I got out. I rushed inside before anyone could see me, though it was in the early morning hours.

When I slammed the doors behind me, I ripped off my mask. I was finally on Frozone's radar as a super. I didn't want to be but it would be inevitable.

I changed and put my suit back in its container. I was sitting in my chair, taking my bun out, when I heard a knock downstairs. I finished taking my hair before heading downstairs.

I answered the door to see Lucius standing there, looking exhausted. He smiled at me tiredly.

"Hey, Luna," Lucius said. "Can I come in?"

I stepped aside. "Of course. You look tired."

"I am," Lucius replied, stepping inside. He sat down on the couch. "There was an attack near the club last night."

I sat beside him. "I heard on the radio. What happened?"

Lucius shrugged. "Some new super came in and helped. She had control over the earth, I believe."

"What did she do?" I asked, knowing full well what I did.

"She lifted these two giant boulders out of the ground and threw them at the guy we were fighting." Lucius scratched the back of his neck. "I think she quite attractive. She had this-this thing about her that was amazing."

I smiled at the compliment he unknowingly gave to me. "Did you get her name?"

Lucius scratched his cheek. "I did, but I don't remember it." He faintly smiled. "She smelled like the flowers and berries."

I tapped Lucius's shoulder. "You look tired. You wanna crash here?"

Lucius nodded. "Where can I sleep?"

"You can use the guest bedroom," I said. "It's upstairs at the end of the hallway."

Lucius nodded and went upstairs. I followed and went into my room. I took off my makeup and changed into work clothes. I went outside to spend the day in the garden.

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