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A duo of gunshots rang throughout the cool wind.

Y/n's neck snapped from her math homework. She grabbed a flashlight, slipped a pair of shoes on, and took off into the night.

She ran towards the cemetery, being a small distance from her house. She clicked her flashlight on and followed the sound of yelling.

"Ram? Ram!? Your just unconscious right?!" She heard a feminine voice cry out. A voice she recognized as Veronica Sawyer.

'Good Lord what's that poor girl gotten herself into?' Y/n thought. She searched around for the girl when she saw a figure run past her, heading for the fence she'd crawled over only minutes earlier. She whipped her head around and chased the boy. Was he in his underwear?

"Why is everyone chasing me?!" He called out, clearly confused.

She then saw another figure zip past her, being faster than the girl. He wore a long trench coat. It all started to make sense.

Whatever was happening, she guaranteed Jason Dean was the cause of it. Ever since he came to school Y/n got an off vibe from him, she could almost sense his mental instability just from observing his mannerisms. Y/n was good at reading people, and when she got a bad feeling, she knew there was a reason.

Once he started latching to Veronica's side she knew something was wrong, the way he desperately clung to her. Y/n figured he wanted the feeling of being loved more than Veronica herself, she could see it.

Once she had caught up to the scene, a boy she then recognized as Kurt Kelly was backed up against the fence, nowhere to go.

"Get of the fence! GET OFF THE DAMN FENCE!" J.D. yelled.

"Put the gun down Jason Dean!" Y/n harshly spat out.

He turned around, studying the girl.

"Whatever your reasoning, you don't have to do this, murder is something you don't come back from, think about what your doing." She desperately tried to reason.

"I have thought about it. And so far I like how it's going." He smirked.

"Don't pull that with me, I can recognize a broken life when I see one. I'm telling you, feeding into that anger, struggling to fill that void with payback, it's not gonna end well." As she spoke, she slowly walked over in beside Kurt. "Your just gonna screw your life up even more."

He let out a frustrated groan and held the gun up to Kurt again. "Shut up! JUST SHUT UP! YOU DONT KNOW WHAT'LL FIX ME AND WHAT WON'T!"

"I may not know how to help but this, definitely won't."

He just pulled that god forsaken smirk back onto his lips and fired the gun at Kurt, but before it hit him, Kurt grabbed her wrist and shoved her in front of him.

And a bullet collided with her chest.

She fell to the ground, clutching her side. She knew she'd pass out soon.

But with her blurred vision she still watched and listened.

J.D. had grabbed Kurt and hit him with the back of his gun, hard. Kurt fell to the ground unconscious.

Veronica approached. "Oh my god, is that Y/n?!" She frantically asked.

"Change of plans, nothing too terrible."

"What the fuck have you done?!" Veronica cried out, crumbling to her knees.

"Shh it's ok, if we're lucky Kurt will lose his memory, but just in case."

J.D. grabbed a few beer bottles from a nearby trashcan and smashed them, laying them next to Kurt's body, "that way the police will blame it on alcohol."

"That doesn't fix things!"

"YES IT DOES YOU JUST CAN'T SEE IT YET!" He yelled, scaring the girl.

He wrapped his arms around her and began speaking.

But that's when it all became a haze, the last thing Y/n heard before she passed out was 'Our love is god.'

Wassup homcicles, (das my intro now) new story. Ok so just the norm, no love at first sight, there's an actual plot aside from the romantic one, very slow updates, that stuff.

So yeah, comment and vote, don't be a stranger. Love you guys.

Later pala-dudes (thas my outro now)


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